Yes please she should stay. She's missed so much. I hope you guys bring Sammy and rafer together. I hate the match with hope.
Definitely!!! Sami makes the show far better and while you're at it do the right thing and bring Patch back !!!
Yes I want Sami to stay she makes the show better. She is awesome and all the danger and mystery usually revolves around her.
the machine jumped. U wanted to vote yes.
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Yes please she should stay. She's missed so much. I hope you guys bring Sammy and rafer together. I hate the match with hope.
Definitely!!! Sami makes the show far better and while you're at it do the right thing and bring Patch back !!!
Yes I want Sami to stay she makes the show better. She is awesome and all the danger and mystery usually revolves around her.
the machine jumped. U wanted to vote yes.