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Are you confident Canada can get a NAFTA deal done?


  • Leo - 6 years ago

    Two Dumb people in over their Heads /They want Environment and Indigenous /first Nations and Gender Equality /This has nothing to do with Free Trade what so ever /They must have laugh at Freeland when she first enter the Trade Talks /May want Trump to sign the Paris accord bring in Carbon Tax /That's why Trump is making a Separate deal with Mexico as Canada reps are out to Lunch totally Un-Armed for these talks ???

  • Gordon - 6 years ago

    I have absolutely NO confidence in the Justin Trudeau liberals. They have so far, shown no ability to do anything correctly except give money away, or throw it away.

  • Just me - 6 years ago

    What makes me think that a ( part time ) drama teacher has any clue what to do? Let me repeat that ??? Question mark???. This is pretty serious stuff, and the fall out could and likely will have serious consequences.
    I think this boys in over his head, I hope he realizes this and gets some help. This is what happens when you talk the topic and can’t back it up!
    Guess it’s to late , to ask for a time out.
    Cross your fingers!

  • Row - 6 years ago

    Mr. No Deal, Trudeau is about to make many Canadians unemployed.

  • Austin - 6 years ago

    TruD'OH wont budge on Chapter 19 and Mulroney is his buddy. Mulroney was willing to stake his career on it in will Jr.

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