Do you think Canada will make concessions on supply management to get NAFTA deal done?


  • Just me - 6 years ago

    I agree Gordon, they can make it messy, or they can make it better. I like our American neighbors. We need them, like wise they need us as well.
    I could get all negive, and say a bunch of , speculative issues, not!
    Of course we gotta give a little to get a little, but something between the two leaders is not quite right, don’t no what it is , but it’s present.
    History goes, way back on this, all the way to Independence Day, and before.
    I kinda glad there’s a issue, this is going to show Canadians a lot, about how we choose leadership, could be fantastic, could be very very bad.
    Sometimes you gotta just let things play out,
    This will be very interesting,
    Apart of history

  • Gordon Bellerose - 6 years ago

    Whether you like it or not, the U.S. is Canada's largest trade partner. This can work both for us, and against. We need to keep the borders open for trade. I do not have all the answers, but I do know that.

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