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Do you plan on buying cannabis once it’s legalized on Oct. 21?


  • Lisa - 6 years ago

    Even if I smoked pot, I wouldn't buy it from the government. Why support them?

  • Thomas - 6 years ago

    Truedaugh gave us dope and let the border left open so any creep can walk right through the front door all expenses paid.........nice.

  • jessy - 6 years ago

    thanks to legalization the street value has dropped ten fold so best get it from the pusher down the street.... second to this, and I maybe wrong, but im guessing when you make your purchase they will ask for some of your personnel information, that will be a deterrent for sure. lastly, and I am hoping some of you store owners are reading this, you best have an armed guard on duty, with the lack of a solid justice system and the crime rate of theft and armed robberies at its highest levels since the dawn of man kind, these place will be a target for those low life's who cant behave themselves. just imagine a cash crop and cash to rob all at once, ka-ching,...stay clear of these places folks its going to get crazy mark my words,..

  • John - 6 years ago

    I was just in Vegas where pot is legal and pot businesses are trying to get people to smoke it - and as far as I could tell, not very successfully. Public consumption is banned and the hotels/casinos won't allow it, for one thing. I could still smell it of course walking down the street even when it wasn't being openly consumed because people who smoke pot reek afterwards, and those who were high were pretty easy to identify with without one's nose but it was far less pervasive than I had expected. If half the weed dealers that plan to open on Oct. 17, 2018 are still open come Oct. 17, 2019, I will be surprised. You'd be better off investing in something like places that make those air filter masks people wear in polluted cities and air fresheners.

  • blair verbin - 6 years ago

    Another case where minority rules and majority is sidelined .. 20% say yes while 80% say no. That is about the percentage of whether it should be legalized or not. Forgotten majority . This god forsaken country is run by the emotionally and intellectually stunted minority.

  • blair verbin - 6 years ago

    Another case where minority rules and majority is sidelined .. 20% say yes while 80% say no. That is about the percentage of whether it should be legalized or not. Forgotten majority . This god forsaken country is run by the emotionally and intellectually stunted minority.

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