When it comes to the US Supreme Court hearings, who do you believe?

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  • Doug C. - 6 years ago

    I know I will get slammed from the sheep that just follow what the MSM tell them to think, but when the people Mrs. Ford said where at the party all have written statement that what she is saying is UNTRUE. She does NOT remember when it was, where it was, how she got there, how she got home. Her year book has pictures of her and a lot of other girls drunk and drinking (doesn't mean she deserves to be molested). He has 60+ women he has worked with and went to school with for 35 years vouch for his honesty and treatment of women. Mrs. Fords best friend (that ford said was at the party) denies being there or knowing MR. Kavanaugh, it makes a person with critical thinking, believe that maybe Mrs. Ford is mistaken as to WHO it was that molested her. The Democrats are disgusting in how they have treated both of these people, Ford and Kavanaugh, and the people will show their disgust at the mid term elections. THAT is what this has all been about. A way to kill a Trump appointee AT ALL COSTS.
    People need to use their OWN brain and NOT be brain washed sheep that will believe anything CNN or CBC tell them to believe.
    Think about it and most SANE people will come to the same conclusion, and that is: Mrs. Fords account of accusing Mr. Kavanaugh is unsubstantiated and Unbelievable.
    It is very unfortunate that either one of these people where put through this Circus for Political reasons.
    Okay...........Have at me Lefties.........

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