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Should Kiki die or get a happy ending?

Total Votes: 4,885

  • Anna Marie - 6 years ago

    I want this Kiki to be Alive so griffin and Kiki will have a happy ending together I want Rayn in jaill for good because he killed Kiki way he on the loses for he killed to many already way Rayn lave Kiki alone I love to see Kevin out and kill his twin brother name Rayn I love this Kiki the best so plesse writers can you please bring back this Kiki so she can be with her mom Nina and griffin

  • Barbara Overstreet - 6 years ago

    Leave Ki Ki and Griffin remain on and have a happy ending with the younger generation. . Please leave Ki Ki on . Thank you.

  • PghGal - 6 years ago

    First, fix the question! For a "yes" or "No" it should be "Should Kiki die." or "Should Kiki get at happy ending?" Second, I am sick of killing off character just because the actors decide to leave the show. That is not the way to do character development. Just recast the role! It sure has done well for Carly! Recast and let the plot play out... hopefully and great romance with Griffin.

  • Emily A Johnson - 6 years ago

    I think it's time to bring new blood to the Young and the Rest of Us,
    .getting tired old plots. How soon before medical crisis forces the little baby boy to hospital for the full reveal? Too predictable. What about poor, suffering Julian? He needs better script and bigger part. And that ditzy ADA. WHAT?

  • Jackie Vollrath - 6 years ago

    I think it's awful killing Kiki off. Just replace her and make Griffin and Kiki's replacement go on!! This will turn off many GH fans.

  • Les - 6 years ago

    Bring back Kristen Alderson....... please dont kool gwr off

  • Byra bergmann - 6 years ago

    Kiki and Griffin should start a new romance. There hasn't been a true lasting love story you guys all district any kind of love.. They all end up on the trash bin.Sam and Jason aren't going any where. The only ones are Sonny and Carly isn't time for another one.kkiki and Griffin.

  • Susan - 6 years ago

    That is question cannot be answered with a yes or no answer.

  • Marie Matson - 6 years ago

    Yes, bring back Kristen Alderson or recast.
    Please do not kill her off.

    Thank you,

  • Linda - 6 years ago

    Recast her dont kill her. She and Griffin are good together

  • Diana Boycher - 6 years ago

    I think you should recast Kiki and keep the romance going

  • B - 6 years ago

    Whomever writes your questions, how can you answer a duplex question with a one word response. This does not make sense. Why do you think the only answer to an actor when they want to expand their acting life is to "kill the character" on the screen. Maybe that is how it happens in your fantasy world, but in the "real world" many people leave a situation or someones life to move onto what they deem will be a better and greater life. Not everyone dies - some just move out of their current situation.

  • centrd - 6 years ago

    What kind of poll is that? You can't give two options and only provide a yes or no answer. Those numbers mean nothing because there's no way to know which question is being answered. Sheesh.

  • Deborah Wachs - 6 years ago

    Bring back the other Kiki, Kristen Alderson

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