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Should off-duty police officers be able to use recreational pot?

Total Votes: 2,633

  • Machina - 6 years ago

    How can you be a role model if you smoked anything, cigarettes or grass? We are not supposed to inhale smoke. Cigarettes led to lung cancer and COPD. What is to say that the weed will not do the same? Smoking is a bad habit in general, why encourage it?

  • Shiznet - 6 years ago

    Soon our society will turn into the movie "Idiocracy"

  • Amanda - 6 years ago

    If they're allowed to drink alcohol, then they should be allowed to smoke marijuana

  • Jocelyn Wilkins - 6 years ago

    A police officer deals with more than we can imagine physically & emotionally. If that's what they chose to do off duty to cope or even to relax from a stressful day, its none of our business.

  • Andrea Smith - 6 years ago

    At this point, smoking marijuana is on the same level as smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol. If they're off duty and not still under the effects when they're back on shift, it's none of our business.

  • Reks Tillie - 6 years ago

    Pot stinks worse than garlic. What message does that send to the public, when you are pulled over by an officer that smoked it?

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