Does the Vote Open ad campaign make you more or less likely to vote Yes?


  • Janis Hutchinson - 6 years ago

    Portage and Main was closed for a very good reason. When I worked downtown it was nice not having to cross there and be able to go under the intersection and be able to go to the Bay without having to go outside. The reason it was closed then has tripled since then. Opening it is just for the business section, not for the people who would have to cross it taking their lives in their hands everytime. What about the cold north wind that blows. If they must open it, people should be given a choice to cross over or under. If the vote goes against opening it I do hope they do some repairs on it. If repairs had been done on it over the years it wouldn't be such an eyesore now.
    We all know the real reason for opening it is because of the businesses down there that want it and no other reason. When it is suggested that WE opposed other construction in the city were these items put on the ballot or was it just the GENERAL WE? I don't remember voting on anything else. Besides putting up and baseball stadium or the bridge or the Forks are completely different then removing a blockade at a very dangerous intersection. Please do not put all Winnipeggers in the category of being dumb when politicians and large business do all of our deciding/thinking for us. Now the public can decide, but does the public who weren't around when this barricade went up have all the facts?

  • Darwin - 6 years ago

    Murray spent a few years in Ontario under Wynne. What a screw up that was.

  • mike - 6 years ago

    opening portage and main is not only a very foolish but costly idea. why is former mayor glen murray even comenting on the idea. he is no longer a resident of the city so really has no say in it.

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