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'The Conners': Will you watch the show without Roseanne?

Total Votes: 297

  • AnnHurley - 6 years ago


  • Amen - 6 years ago

    I wanted to see it and support the cast but Rabbi Shmuley warned me of the ramifications of doing so.I would be committing a sin against our God Trump and punished by waterboarding and have no more private shows by Ms.Palin.I had to make a tough decision that day.I didn't watch it I blindfolded myself and just listened it ain't half bad and no harm done.Amen!

  • Pleasantville - 6 years ago

    Watched the premier episode and would watch again sometime, even though I rarely watch TV these days. I feel that movies and TV shows of today are just plain garbage. I read the news(non-politics) sometimes and if that Roseanne doesn't do her damnedest to be front and center basking in the limelight and riding on the coattails of her own personal Jesus Donald Trump. Will she be missed? Like a bad sickness for me but to some the Queen has left her house of cards that she built out of the cards on her kitchen table.

  • Rainygirl - 6 years ago

    IMO The Conners is a great new show! I didn't watch any of the reboot of Roseanne and I'm glad I didn't because it sounded extremely far right. I'm not really a political person but our current government standing is nothing to joke or laugh about. It's painful,scary,and disgusting to watch even the news anymore. Roseanne was once a great actress I loved the old show and grew up with it also loved her in She-Devil. It's really sad that she seems to have become unstable,disturbed,and unglued after her Twitter fiasco which was her own doing. The fine cast of the Conners should not be punished for one person's screw up. She was written out in a very respectful and decent way and the rest of the family should have a chance at moving forward without her. I will be watching and wishing much success to The Conners,may it live on for many years. Please don't respond or quote my opinion. I couldn't care less about what you think.

  • Peggy - 6 years ago

    Didn't watch the first episode, will not watch the show. Without Roseanne there isn't a show, the Connors are riding on the coattails of something Roseanne created. They are really foolish for firing Rosanna, and I think they are going to have to eat crow over it at least I hope so. Guess I'll lesson wasn't learned over discontinuing Last Man Standing

  • Bon - 6 years ago

    I think it was in poor taste the way the family was joking around and it really sucks that Roseanne is gone altogether !! What ever happened to freedom of speech ? The show won't make it. I will not watch it ever Bon

  • Dawn - 6 years ago

    Love Roseanne! Love John Goodman! The rest are just backstabbers

  • Stephen Amoriell - 6 years ago

    I think all the actors are ungrateful and should not have continued the show without Roseanne. She gave them a chance and made them there no loyalty anymore?. Besides Roseanne created and put her heart and soul into the show....shame on the actors for continuing the show and shame on ABC

  • Gail - 6 years ago

    I will not be watching and I hate it due to John and Laurie being so great BUT everyone else gets to say what they want and keep going-just look at The View, it is a shame they did that to her! I didn't even know VJ was black til such a big deal was made! Ridiculous! Goodbye ABC.

  • Jill henson - 6 years ago

    Would never watch the Connor’s without Roseanne her show her story stupid that that she diied by overdose on drugs ridiculous
    Other stars have said or done worse and never gotten fired for less

  • Just a fan of 90s SITCOMS - 6 years ago

    Roseanne was fired all thanks to this hypersensitive country chalk-full of 'snowflakes' overreacting to a bad political joke about a Female Democrat from the Obama Administration.

    I wouldn't care if everyone involved in the show lost their job.
    Just as Roseanne has.
    With the exception of John Goodman.
    (I'm a huge fan of his)

    I look like an Ape and so do and all of you.
    Know that thing called Evolution? Or are you in denial of that too?

    Last I checked, Iran is an Islamic Theocracy.
    And Islam is a Brotherhood.

    Roseanne Barr is not Racist.

    Don't watch The Connors.

    I am not a Trump Supporter.
    I'm a Libertarian who leans right and sometimes left.

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