Who Won the Debate Between Gillum and DeSantis?


  • Armando - 6 years ago

    Even if I was a “staunch” Republican, I’d be highly disappointed in DeSantis performance! And I would definitely fire his debate coach. Gillum was prepared and poised throughout the debate. Would love to see a “rematch” to see if DeSantis can possibly redeem himself.

    Independent Voter

  • Jimmy Langston - 6 years ago

    Gillum has outclassed Desantis every step of the way this entire campaign season, including in this debate. Desantis looked fidgety and uncomfortable and you could hear his voice trembling when he was asked questions about his positions on the issues facing Floridians. Desantis kept interrupting Gillum, but said nothing backed up by facts or of substance. Desantis didn’t even have the courtesy to call him “Mr. Gillum” or “Mayor Gillum” and just disrespectfully called him “Andrew” the entire debate. Where’s Desantis’ platform?! Where’s Desantis’ receipts for his tax payer funded $145,000 trip to New York to be on his favorite TV Station Fox News? Desantis is one of the worst candidates the Republicans have fielded in decades. Desantis is a weak Trump puppet with no backbone that will be sent home on November 6th.

  • David Devine - 6 years ago

    Some people are answering the wrong question. Whose views most align with yours wasn’t the question. It is hard to imagine saying DeSantis won the debate. Gillum was quicker on his feet, used more evidence to support his claims. Whether you agree or not isn’t relevant to the question. DeSanti did not lay out any details for any policy, and his attacks are based on evidence. Tallahassee does see the fastest per capita increase in GDP while Gillum was mayor. You could argue that it wasn’t related to his leadership, but you can’t just lie about it. There were 11 murders in 2016, which is less than Fort Myers FL. Sources that were used were Zillow, and a neighborhood watch website. The anti intellectualism is an issue. Neither of these sources could be cited in any study. I hope people that are voting will head to politifaxf so they can judge the honesty of both of the canidates. Also, some very misleading generalizations about no governments making effective investments. Norway has the highest standard of living for 12 of the last 13 years. The United States is not in the top ten. Working abroad in economic development you come to realize that Americans very little about the world, and rely on tv pundits whom haven’t visited to analyze it for them. Where is the US healthcare system ranked both today and pre Obama care, outside the top 20. The lack of reflection and ignorance has lead us to where we are today.

  • Fred Griggs - 6 years ago

    Anybody who watched the debate should have no problem with determining the winner. DeSantis won.
    Gillum came across as someone who is extremist. His main campaign is to impeach Trump. Did everyone catch the part where he is tied to those extremist groups. Really, why would any reasonable person ever consider voting for extremist Gillum. Only if you want your taxes to increase and crime rate to increase.

  • Allen - 6 years ago

    For those who hate trump and hate DeSantis for it-
    Stand up for it
    Send the IRS some extra $- let them know your not taking any help from Trump
    Open your home up to immigrants
    Tell North Korea you felt better about life when you were threatened by them
    Tell all the blue collar workers that’s he’s helped they were wrong about him
    And we’ll have a wonderful working relationship with the federal government with a Trump impeachment advocate who has NO LEGAL ABILITY to
    DeSantis may not b a great orator, but I need a governor who lives in our world not a millionaire hiding behind democratic values pretending to be for me by making everything cost more

  • Allen - 6 years ago

    Find me ANY socialist government that gives it back to the people!!!
    $15 minimum wage... do you not realize If you require that prices go way up and WE PAY FOR IT to compensate for it!!?!?!??!
    They will put kiosks in
    For crying out loud please use the brain God gave you and think for yourselves

  • Sarah - 6 years ago

    Who paid for the Hamilton tickets?!?!? And what does Zillow say about Tallahassee’s murder rate, because I always rely on real estate websites for crime statistics. Aaah!!! If those are the burning questions you’re left with, there’s no helping you. Buy your dorky MAGA hat and your crappy Ivanka shoes, flip on FOX and live in your alternate reality. I already voted early for Mayor Gillum... because I have a triple-digit IQ.

  • Jonathan Moore - 6 years ago

    RON wins again ... Gillum pretty much said he is gonna stand on the tracks to stop the Trump train .. Bad Idea :) #MAGA 2020

  • Ted - 6 years ago

    Gillum won. Smarmy De Santis Will side with big business every time. Time to take the country back from the rich and give it to the people.

  • Wesley strickland - 6 years ago

    Vote Gillum and pay the price when breaks you on taxes and corruption .this reminds me of the Obama election vote for a black cause it's time.

  • Jennifer - 6 years ago

    Desantis won
    Why did Gillum state who is givin him all the finances to win this race
    Desantis is not racist
    Gillum is using the race card to sway votes

  • Jimmy - 6 years ago

    I watched the debate with an opened mine. Prior to watching I was in favor of DeSantis. During the debate DeSantis look very uncomfortable very agitated did not seem prepared and was looking to heading to a street fight with Gilum. I felt mr. Gillum, whom I didn't think much of before the debate, came across as better prepared, more in control of his emotions, and a much more well spoken person then DeSantis. I think that Gillum definitely won this debate in almost every category. People are entitled to their own opinion however I feel that anyone who thinks DeSantis won this debate is not being fair and impartial to what they were actually seeing. They had their mind made up and there was really no need for them to watch the debate because they're going to go with their guy no matter what.

  • Jimmy - 6 years ago

    I watched the beat with an opened mine. Prior to watching I was in favor of DeSantis. During the debate DeSantis look very uncomfortable very agitated did not seem prepared and was looking to heading to a street fight with Gilum. I felt mr. Gillum, whom I didn't think much of before the debate, came across as better prepared, more in control of his emotions, and a much more well spoken person then DeSantis. I think that Gillum definitely won this debate in almost every category. People are entitled to their own opinion however I feel that anyone who thinks DeSantis won this debate is not being fair and impartial to what they were actually seeing. They had their mind made up and there was really no need for them to watch the debate because they're going to go with their guy no matter what.

  • Nick G - 6 years ago

    Desantis was very uncomfortable to watch, and spent most of the time trying to attack Gillum - to the point where it was embarrassing. Gillum was the only adult on that stage, and he was the only one that actually sounded like he cares about Florida issues. Desantis is weak.

  • T Clark - 6 years ago

    I watched this with an open mind and felt that Mr. Gillum had won. Mr Desantis was very rude and informal at parts, which made it hard for me to enjoy. They both are well experienced in their characteristics but given how Florida currently is, and being usually ranked last compared to other states we might want to give Gillum the chance. He's willing to work for all not just one side. I am voting Gillum, but I see both sides and I respect everyone's decision and find it great how more people are getting invoked with politics. This is America, where we all are entitled to our say and I believe that's what makes us great, whether for Desantis or Gillum we are all Floridians and love you all

  • F. Hney - 6 years ago

    Gillum won. During the debate, Gillum was convivial and respectful of DeSantis. For instance, Gillum repeatedly referred to DeSantis as either Mr. DeSantis or Congressman DeSantis. On the other hand, DeSantis referred to the Mayor as "Andrew".

  • Cathy - 6 years ago

    Gillum sounded articulate and poised. I like the Medicare for all plan but doubt he can get it done. I will never vote for a trumpeter. Gillum is who I already voted for early.

  • Joann Wiseman - 6 years ago

    Guillum won the debate easy he got my vote. !!!

  • Joann Wiseman - 6 years ago

    Guillum won the debate easy he got my vote. !!!

  • Mae - 6 years ago

    Guillum has my vote hands down. Desantis, Trump's stooge.

  • ELIZABETH Rodriguez - 6 years ago

    MR. Guillium won and has my vote after this for sure. Desantis sounded like a broken record. SO uncombosed

  • Long Dang - 6 years ago

    If you vote for DeSantis, you are voting for a racist, gun loving guy, period.

  • Cecilia - 6 years ago

    Vote for DeSantus unless you want to pay a STATE INCOME TAX! Don’t think so.. Vite NO on Gillum

  • Ed - 6 years ago

    I was so impressed with Mayor Gillum. He's clearly not just a national leader, but a potential global leader as well.

    Florida shouldn't "Muck" this up by voting for DeSantis.

  • Dump Trump - 6 years ago

    Gillum won! Desantis looked like a rich school boy who only made it because of money... Totally not informed

  • Vanessa - 6 years ago

    Mr. Gillum brought decorum to the debate, while he continues to campaign on the issues.

  • Samuel - 6 years ago

    Gillum seems better prepared to govern. And Desantis was a military lawyer who probably did not see combat.

  • Linda - 6 years ago

    Gillum won with the facts, he can answer a question, with an explicit answer. It's time for change, # bring it home

  • Linda - 6 years ago

    Gillum won with the facts, he can answer a question, with an explicit answer. It's time for change, # bring it home

  • Brandy Alexander, JD LLM - 6 years ago

    DeSantis won hands down. He is the better educated and best prepared of the two candidates. No corruption there. Has served his country with honor. Oh and btw, for those of you who did not understand the content of his remarks, by responding that President Trump has kept his campaign promises he indicated those actions provide a positive role model for his and all children. So, he did in fact answer the question. DeSantis is a star and will serve the people of Florida very well.

  • Ayana - 6 years ago

    Thanks Betty ...I will! LoL

  • Gary - 6 years ago

    I am voting for Gillum . We don't need DeSantis as governor to HONKY things up.

  • Betty - 6 years ago

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news but what good is wealth if the air you breath is polluted, wars, are an everyday occurrence and doing what's best is no longer what is decided..
    Your America is TRUMP America., Enjoy your wealth????

  • Star power - 6 years ago

    Gillum has a plan! Desantis will definetly take your money and con you Floridians!!!

  • Jordan - 6 years ago

    Another Trump puppet is one to many..Can someone please get a check on the NRA so guns can be used responsibly, without mental illnesa. Please no more children with grudge's, complexes and no parental supervision.

  • Ayana - 6 years ago

    I do not believe in Gillum's socialist & race baiting banter but I also severely dislike Trump. I agree in some of Desantis' ideas, especially in reference to our military and Veterans. My wealth is mine and I am NOT my neighbors keeper. Pooling our wealth to include all.....no thanks. I believe in hard work and education....NOT handouts.

  • Daniel - 6 years ago

    Mr Gillum definitely. He was very confident and always took the high road.
    Mr DeSantis on the other hand was nervous and very agressive.

  • Betty - 6 years ago

    I think Jake Tapper should have had more control over Desantis rude interruptions. I felt Florida's next Govenor should be Gillum..Man of the people, for the people!!

  • Bill Norton - 6 years ago

    DeSantis is a Trump want a be, I respect his education and military service but he acts and talks like Trump and we are sick of Trump lies.

  • Joe - 6 years ago

    Definitely desantis. Gillum dodged all questions about the fbi investigation and the trips. Who payed for the Hamilton tickets?? Broadway shows really?? Typical rich politicians getting rich off the taxpayers. Yes Gillum is rich even though he acts like he is a blue collar worker. Get real people these politicians don't care about anybody but themselves time to wake up

  • Paul M - 6 years ago

    DeSantis had a painful expression on his face throughout the debate, looking as if he was bloated with gas and hoping for some subtle way of expelling it.

  • R Stephens - 6 years ago

    I wasn't very impressed with either. I also didn't care for the moderator. I do think DeSantis has the better platform. I don't agree with Gillum on anything. DeSantis will be a better governor for our State.

  • Rita - 6 years ago

    DeSantis was shifty eyed, shallow, and loaded with Trump talking points. His whiny delivery was embarrassing. He looked like he was going to cry or scream, “Unfair!”. I still want to hear if he considers Trump a role model.

  • Rafael Cambon - 6 years ago

    Regardless of who you think won the debate, I implore all Floridians to not only turn on spellcheck on their phones, but also re read and edit their comments. The world is watching and readying their “Florida Man” stories.

  • Ben M. - 6 years ago

    Gillium won hands down. He was calm, prepared and answered questions directly. I was completely surprised by DeSantis lack of preparation for someone with such high educational credentials. He was all over the board with no substantive answers. He proved the fact that it’s impossible to defend Trump as any kind of role model by completely changing the subject. Yet he has a syncophant style ad praising Trump that is so obsequious that many didn’t believe it was a real ad but a Saturday Night Live spoof. He was nervous and his answers were tentative. Gillum connected, was strong in conviction, specific in answers and came across as a leader. DeSantis did not. When the debate was over I got the feeling that DeSantis thinks he’s going to win regardless, as if Trump will pull him over the line, and he really didn’t have to try hard to win the debate. Almost like he was just trying to ‘get through it.’

  • Johnny kaye - 6 years ago

    Hey there George B.
    You mention “failed Obama ‘ ire you blind to Obama’s successses for which pussygrabbing self serving trump is claiming he is responsible ? Wake up and see what’s true. Thank goodness for ‘fact-check.org’ you fox fake newsies should realize that everyone is entitled to their own opinion but not like Fox News their own facts!!

  • CLARA REDMOND - 6 years ago

    Thank you so much Mr. Andrew Gillum. You didn't go low and listened to the questions. DeSantis still have not answered whether Trump is a role model. We praise God for the way you spoke so direct.

  • John - 6 years ago

    DeSantis doesn't look that smart... At least he was unprepared...

  • Gloria - 6 years ago

    The GOP are made up of racist, liars & science naysayers. I know the fine people of Florida will do the right thing. To side with a child molester, deny climate change AND vote on the side of taking people’s health care away BUT giving the 1% a tax break is reason enough. Never mind all the good he wants to do!!!!

  • Mark - 6 years ago

    Gillum won hands down, and has my vote.

  • Sid - 6 years ago

    Let's not forget, folks - DeSantis was losing in the primaries until Trump gave him a boost. DeSantis is one of Trump's personal pets and he owes Trump, big time. You think someone who is in Donnie's pocket like that would ever be anything other than a presdiential lapdog?

    We need someone with a spine, someone who is not afraid to speak truth to power. DeSantis is a sniveling suckup and he looked like it on stage tonight. Did not inspire confidence, at all. He is a follower, not a leader, and that is not what Florida needs.

    It takes guts to call out the president the way Gillum does. In Florida, being critical of Trump is not always a popular opinion. The fact that he is willing to take that risk in a state like this tells me he is driven by his values, which is a rare thing in politics these days. He has the stuff to move Florida forward, and he also has my vote.

  • Johnny kaye - 6 years ago

    Ron DeSantis showed his undying support for crooked trump. Had no substantive argument for him being Governor. Gillum on the other hand was more interested in telling a Floridians what he would try to do for them than attacking his opponent. Gillum more honest looking and DeSantis a sweating, swallowing hard liar

  • Cheryl - 6 years ago

    Gilkum won by a landslide.
    Plus, with all of the serious economic and healthcare and educational and political issues facing the state of Florida, who gives AF about a couple damn Hamilton tickets??? Really?? Hamilton tickets??????????

  • Belkis C - 6 years ago

    Definetely Desantis won , Gillun only talked nonsenses and showed that he is a sicialist. My vote for Desnatis

  • Jonathan - 6 years ago

    Gilliam by far won and were all tired of the fear tactics used by Trump Operatives. Enough is enough

  • Mindguy - 6 years ago

    No thanks. We don’t need a 1% governor! We need someone who cares about all Florida people- White, Black, Brown, straight, gay, lesbian, transgender, poor, middle class, rich. We need an Everyman’s Governor and that’s not DeSantis. Gillum did a professional job and remained calm and collected during the DeSantis attacks. Close your eyes and DeSantis speaks just like Trump: interrupting the other candidate, spewing untruths, and looking very nervous. Time for a change in Florida. Vote for Mayor Gillum, and not Trump/DeSantis

  • William - 6 years ago

    Concluding remarks highlighted goals for Florida's future: DeSantis spoke about tangible actions a governor can accomplish; Gillum spoke about himself and family growing up to build a future for Florida plus making the State of Florida an anti-Trump state.
    Both candidates means well but have vast separation between how.

  • Grace - 6 years ago

    Gillum won. RD was underperformed, nervous & said absolutely nothing of substance. Same old bulls*** talking points, and disrespectful of Mr. Gillum, whom he constantly referred to as "Andrew." He had no plan of action, wouldn't answer the question, adores Donald Trump, and looked frightened, dumb and out of sorts. He'd be a pure disaster if elected, and in the pockets of Trump and the NRA. Plus, he is a racist. He must have been a legacy entrant at Yale and Harvard. No way he got in--or out--by himself.

  • Nadine - 6 years ago

    Gillium definitely won. He calmly addressed each question, and explained how he was going to tackle each issue. Contrast that to Desantis' non-answers, nervous demeanor, and lack of respect for his opponent as he constantly interrupted Gillium while he was speaking. He also made up his own statistics and outright lied. He clearly couldn't care less about everyday people, immigrants or the environment!

  • Denny - 6 years ago

    DeSantis said more murders under Gillum, which is true. Gillum said DeSantis was reading wrong information crimes rate was lower under him, which was right. DeSantis did not say Gillum was wrong misleading. Medicare for all is a disaster waiting to happen. The proposal is what DeSantis said Gillum tried to take it to Medicaid expansion which is not Medicare for all totally different issue. Again misleading. Gillum said he wants all the taxes in Florida to stay the same and immediately says the corporations that didn’t have to ay taxes under the trump tax cut law he would take from them. How does that keep the taxes in Florida the same. Again misleading. DeSantis was accused of not relaeasing tax returns but he has. DeSantis is accused of misusing funds from Congress pool of money the receipts are there. DeSantis is accused of not passing a bill. This is true but DeSantis has gotten things for Florida. Influence many times works better to accomplish the end goal. The trips are supposedly paid for in cash by Gillum. So no receipt. The dreamer endorsement by Gillum is an embarrassment. Still have more facts to check from the debate but my undecided vote is now for DeSantis. The facts follow DeSantis. The inconsistencies from Gillum scare me because I don’t know what he is really promising. How long do we have to wait to hear who paid for Hamilton tickets?

  • Alex - 6 years ago

    Gillum is a socialist whose economic policies will hurt this state. His economic positions can only be funded by a state income tax. He does not appear supportive of the police. While he might not be under investigation, the city he runs is. He ultimately bears responsibility. He will not be good for Florida’s growth

  • Iris Burke - 6 years ago

    DeSantis seemed unable to understand fairly simple questions asked by the moderator. Typically, when asked about X, he would make a speech about Y, which had nothing to do with X. He tried to cover it up by talking non-stop, but he was almost never responding to the actual question asked. The moderator should have called him on it, and repeated the question if necessary, rather than allowing DeSantis to be so far off-topic.

  • Beth White - 6 years ago

    Gilliam won he's not Marxist he's a social Democrat DSA which is govt of swedan Holland Denmark Finland govt. He's going to legalize recreational marijuana desantis is racist will cut ebt snap I early voted Gilliam supporters need to get back in mass the income from medical marijuana will cover increase minimum wage And teacher salary and will take more Tanya off good stamps. Vote Gilliam

  • Bobby - 6 years ago

    Desantis clearly won. He looked into the camera whole time, Guillum looked down the whole time. Guillum pulled out the race card again..another Obama trick. Guillum never answered who paid for Broadway tickets or Costa Rica trip...Desantis has my vote. Besides the highest crime in the state. Just ask the people of Tallahassee..they will tell you..Guillum is no good.

  • Mary Greenwood - 6 years ago

    DeSantis was smug, belligerent and tried to ask the questions. Gillum was cool, calm and collected. Gillum had the upper hand throughout the debate. He had facts and statistics. DeSantis talked about moving the Capital of Israel when the question was whether Trump was a role model for children. Gillum won the debate bigtime!

  • Kimberly Jones - 6 years ago

    Andrew Gillum won the debate. DeSantis came out negative right during his opening remarks. Gillum introduced himself, his family, and his high level plan.

    Andrew Gillum is promising to take care of Floridians. We need Medicaid Expansion. It will not only help people who are under-employed, small businesses, families who don’t get insurance at work, and some Veterans. Additionally, many Seniors are living in such poverty that they rely on Medicaid as well as Medicare. Medicare Expansion can broaden this group.

    Education is another reason to vote for Andrew Gillum. He cares about making sure FL schools are both safe and that our children receive a quality education.

    The third reason that I will point out is that Andrew Gillum will stand up to the gun lobby to get semi automatic weapons out of the hands of citizens on the street.

  • Don Allen - 6 years ago

    If you want another Venezuela and Barry Sanders in FL, vote for Gillium, if you want a strong economy, no state income tax, and President Trump policies, vote for DeSantis..I think DeSantis has my vote

  • Sonia - 6 years ago

    Gollum was prepared, he is informed and has a plan of action to Govern. He was honest and very composed.

  • Rob - 6 years ago

    Gillum won and will do a better job as Governot of our state.

  • Bob - 6 years ago

    There are some obvious Republican operatives regurgitating talking point lies about FBI and Venezuela, etc. You really need to get more creative.

  • George B - 6 years ago

    Gillum is not ready to run our State. Why and how could anyone ever want a socialist governor. Epic fail if he wins. Look at the fail of Obama. Close the border! Quit wasting money on illegals! And keep FL great!

  • John - 6 years ago

    Gillum is inexperienced and a terrible mayor. I live in Tallahassee. He hasn’t governed anything but FAMU’s student body...a school who is constantly flirting with losing their accreditation and is fiscally irresponsible. Gillum is a socialist. He has never had a real job. He is under FBI investigation. His brother gets paid by companies wishing to do business with Tallahassee. Conflict of interest. Politics here are crooked, and he is part of it. Etc. DeSantis is accomplished with clear credentials. Definitely a better ambassador for the state. He is more mature and a harder worker. He better represents what the bulk of Floridians want, which is a better economy and less government regulation. He respects law enforcement and our current laws and respects all human life.

  • Russ - 6 years ago

    No disrespect with DeSantis but it was difficult to draw any empathy from him. Didn’t answer easy questions. I’m not convinced he would take health care benefits for our seniors in Fl. He lacked substance and kept resorting to the same attack over and over again. Became annoying. Talk about the issues facing us Floridians. Based on those observations. I thought he was severely out knowledged and out classed. Needs to do A LOT better Wednesday. He lost. Wasn’t close!

  • Darius - 6 years ago

    Gillum is looking to expand healthcare and raise teachers pay which are two great things for this state. I believe he is really for the people!

  • Susan - 6 years ago

    Gollum is the adult in this race. De Santis was constantly interrupting and sweating bullets.

  • Rafael Cambon - 6 years ago

    I absolutely need to know who paid for Gillum’s Hamilton tickets. GTFO of here with that argument. Enough of the Florida rich boys club profiting off our backs.

  • michele - 6 years ago

    Desantis appeared nervous insecure and seemed totally lost, his only line was “ his riddle of crime city”... well the statistics don’t say so. Gillum calm solid very sure of himself,he has my votge.

  • Mark Kenney - 6 years ago

    I'm still waiting on Gillum to answer the question as to who paid for the Hamilton tickets....

  • Marie - 6 years ago

    With Gillum's ideas, small businesses will suffer, people will lose jobs, and the economy will suffer hugely. DeSantis is much smarter economically speaking. Please look deeper into Gillum's corruption. Tallahassee Reports has good info. DeSantis has my vote, despite his demeanor. Policy matters much more than likeability. Gillum is far too left for Florida.

  • Kent King - 6 years ago

    Gillum exposed as an inexperienced ex-mayor and city councilman. No leadership qualities.

  • Robert Zlatkiss - 6 years ago

    Gillium said nothing about creating a successful economy. He is a typical politician that destroyed Venezuela's. All talk no business. Florida financial will suffer with this . I'll take the war veteran that went to yale

  • Linda - 6 years ago

    Gillum earned my vote by his calm demeanor and specifics about what he’s going to do and how he’s going to do it

  • Steve - 6 years ago


  • Tommy d - 6 years ago

    Gillum won

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