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Who is lohud's Week 9 Football Player of the Week? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 9,429

  • Lorna Cox - 6 years ago

    Joe Mascetta of Carmel Rams is phenomenal! He may not win on the number of votes here but just watch the video and it will prove to you that he should be the” Top Player of the Week!” ????????

  • Michelle Obama - 6 years ago

    I am so proud of Jordan! I’ve been watching him since he was a little boy, wearing his floaters as he calls them in the bathtub! He may be quirky when he pours the milk first and sits while he pees but he’s my baby and I’m so proud.

  • Forrest tha slaya - 6 years ago

    Who wanna play sum fortnite

  • Jordan Forrest - 6 years ago

    I was taking a shit standing up while I heard the news, thanks guys.

  • Aa - 6 years ago

    Tbh we don’t talk but you seem chill rate 7

  • Gerald Gugma - 6 years ago

    He probably said some dumb shit like “On YRN Maui and My momma fr Fr drop ya boy a vote he finna tear it up. I hold it down for my late bro YBN XxFagSn1p3rxX. me monky”

  • Bryce Ford - 6 years ago

    Jordan Forrest has the big gay.

    *this post was made by John Listwan gang*

  • no name - 6 years ago

    bryce ford sucks ass

  • bryce - 6 years ago

    bryce ford should automatically win every week. better than everyone combined

  • TJ - 6 years ago

    John listwan is a really cool guy vote him

  • Putnam Valley - 6 years ago

    John Listwan for President

  • Sam Duke - 6 years ago

    Mrs.Ford got the big booty

  • ❤️ - 6 years ago

    Joe you can’t blame it all on yourself. A team is not made of one person. A team is made of all these people that have to work together to win. I see the strain on your face after games. There are literally veins popping out of your head at the end of a game. You put all you have into it. But as far as I can see you do it because you love it. You’re one of the best football players I know. You wouldn’t go out on that field everyday for 3+ hours a day if you didn’t. There a reason you do it and I don’t think it’s because anyone is forcing you. Sometimes in life we lose but that’s just life. I know you’re hurt but if you choose to stay down you’ll never truly heal. Our loses are our best teaching moments. Even winners have to lose every once in a while, but that loss is a lesson that they have to learn in order to grow and become better. The best winners know how to lose.

  • Joe Mascetta - 6 years ago

    If I really loved the game and lived in it so much we wouldn’t have gotten shit on.

  • ❤️ - 6 years ago

    Joe Mascetta deserves this. I know all of these guys love the game I know they all put 110% into everything they do for the game. I know Joe he talks about football the way other people talk about the love of their lives. He loves the game and the commitment he shows for it is truly amazing. I was never really into sports but he’s the reason that I started watching football games and stuff. His love for what he does is truly inspiring and I wish I could find something I love as much as he loves the game. They all deserve it, they’re all great players, but Joe is so much more than just a great football player. He’s a great athlete a great person and he’s smart. He puts 110% into everything I’ve ever seen him do and I know that his love for the game will take him far because to him it’s more than just a game. It’s a way of life.

  • Anon - 6 years ago

    Obviously y’all should vote Joe Mascetta.

  • Bob Macedo - 6 years ago

    Listwan totally deserves this honor. This young man puts 110% effort in everything he does. Get your autographs now, sky's the limit for this guy.

  • declan lavelle - 6 years ago

    F*ck everyone else im the goat

  • anonymous - 6 years ago

    jordan forrest has gugma

  • Annonymous - 6 years ago

    Jordan Forrest wears floatys in the bath tub

  • Annonymous - 6 years ago

    Jordan Forrest has ligma

  • Annonymous - 6 years ago

    Jordan Forrest goes sock shoe sock

  • Annonymous - 6 years ago

    Jordan Forrest pours the milk before the cereal.

  • Anonymous - 6 years ago

    No question John Listwan is the most deserving of this honor. His performance this past Fri. (289 rushing yards, 4 TDs, 11 tackles, & 2 sacks)......and what he has done all season. Starting and excelling both ways... & while training on & off the field he is taking honors & AP classes (National Honor Society member).

  • Michael Q Strang - 6 years ago

    What a performance,absolute beast mode.He is easily my second favorite player in PV. He can keep his shoes on inside my home as well.... Im not telling him shyt!!!!

  • anonymous - 6 years ago

    jordan forrest sits when he pees and stands when he shits

  • anonymous - 6 years ago

    But can any other nominee say that they assassinated the other teams starting QB I think not

  • anonymous - 6 years ago

    i heard jordan forrest sits down when he pees

  • bryce ford - 6 years ago

    everyone vote for me i am clearly better than everyone else

  • reilly nolan - 6 years ago

    hardest working kid I know.

  • Andrea Bily - 6 years ago

    John Listwan is a true role model for all of our students. He is hard working and dedicated to making himself the best he can be. He came back from a hip injury last year to show us what true heart looks like. He was in the weight room every day, doing his best to get stronger in order to come out and give the Putnam Valley Super Fans something to cheer for :-) Best of Luck John. You truly deserve this moment to shine !!!

  • Anonymous - 6 years ago

    John Listwan is the most hard-working, dedicated athlete I know. A true role model for other athletes. He is most deserving of this award. And his performance Friday night, what got him nominated, was amazing!!!!!

  • John cekaj - 6 years ago

    John is one of the hardest working young man you will ever meet,had an incredible game deserves to win this week.

  • John - 6 years ago

    Joe Mascetta is the GOAT

  • Nick Milano - 6 years ago

    John Listwan is a great young man on and off the field. Much respect

  • Nick Milano - 6 years ago

    John Listwan is a great young man on and off the field. Much respect

  • Janice Faia - 6 years ago

    The NRHS Football Parents Assn wishes CONGRATULATIONS and GOOD LUCK to Jordan Forrest!

  • Sandra Intrieri - 6 years ago

    John Listwan models leadership and good character! He is very deserving!

  • Anonymous - 6 years ago

    Jordan is the goat. The other options are bums

  • Anonymous - 6 years ago


  • Anonymous - 6 years ago

    John is the best player in PV, has a heart of gold, humble and is 110% dedicated

  • Coughlin - 6 years ago

    This guy will do what ever is needed to Win.

  • Tara Shillingford - 6 years ago

    John plays with heart and gives 110% each game

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