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Do you think the time jump will help the show?

Total Votes: 45

  • Deme - 6 years ago

    Yeaahh, I definitely think the time jump will help the show a lot, it may bring back the people who gave up on the show (I know that’s aiming high) and save the people who were considering it. I, personally, enjoyed seeing future Judith Grimes (aka Little Ass Kicker) and I’m excited to see this new road the show will go down. Love the recap, as always!

  • Blue Wave Rider - 6 years ago

    I LUV the new show runner. She shut down a lot of old stuff and dumped a lot of old baggage. The rest of season 9 show be a like a much needed reboot of the show. I am an avid reader of the comic books but I don't expect the show to exactly follow the story line in the books. Frankly, it's nice when the show surprises us with something we didn't expect.
    Really liked the call backs to the previous eight seasons. Do you know why the actor who played Abraham did not appear on Fear the Walking Dead?

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