Are you going to shop on Black Friday?

1 Comment

  • Blue Wave Rider - 6 years ago

    I must confess, sometimes I listen to TBGWT just to hear you burn. Your passion about politics and your girl Jill Stein is the stuff of legends. You literally "go in" when you talk about that topic. Have you considered doing a post-election show where you highlight all the POC, women, and LGTBQ persons who won elections this past mid-terms. WE GOT A HIJAB ON THE HILL! NIGGA!!!

    BTW, Candace Bae is Candace Owens.. I though you would ride out on her snowflake, sell out, Kool-Aid drinkin, no Black History readin', Kanye coattail hangin', coon ass.

    If supporting the Democrats means that I'm on the plantation, and by extension, a field nigga...then Candace supporting the Republicans must, by extension, make her a house nigga!! Question for the class...what is the shelf life of a house nigga? Omarosa and Stacy Dash are standing by to take your calls.

    Shout out to Queen Karen. My computer crashed and I need you to recommend those podcasts that opened your eyes about American Racism. I WILL be listening.

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