Do you hate listen to podcasts?


  • EvieE - 6 years ago

    I don't get it. Life is way too short to voluntarily partake in something you don't enjoy.

  • CT - 6 years ago

    Let me tell y’all a story.

    I used to listen to this podcast. In an effort to avoid podcast beef, I won’t mention the name. I listened to them for a while, but I really wasn’t sure if I liked what they were “selling”, for lack of better terms. One day, one of the hosts decided to talk about a cult leader that they admired, and the host made an effort to tell the listeners how there were two sides to every story, and they would not remove this person from their life, rather continue to promote this cult leader to those that are interested. And it was on that episode that I decided to stop listening. I tried to download a couple of episodes after that, bug it just didn’t feel the Same. Once you lose me as a listener, I just can’t go back.

    There’s too much unique content available to waste time On content that will just make you mad. Podcasts are so personal to people, that once you find something you like, you hold on to it. But listening to hateful or hurtful podcasts, or just annoying shows, doesn’t do anyone good. Actually, you end up supporting people that you don’t even like! And to them, a download is a download, and hateful conversation is still relevancy to some. So don’t waste your time. Find something that you enjoy, and invest in that.

    I listen to podcasts every single day. I think it’s almost unhealthy lol. But I feel my life with positive content, jokes, social justice commentary, and entertainment. So podcasts have a special place in my heart. Thanks for reading guys! And sorry for the errors, I’m typing this on my phone while doing homework. Love you!

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