Do you eat at your office potluck?


  • Evie E - 6 years ago

    Even though I'm self-employed and work from home, I voted no on the potluck. When I worked for corporate America, I used to participate in the pot luck but my final straw was when at the same potluck this one white woman brought in some deviled eggs and all she used was yoke and mayo. I was horrified. But that wasn't the worse, this other lady brought in a dish and her hair was wet. I asked her why is her hair still wet. She said, that it's not water its medication because she caught lice from her kids. Oh hell no. I never participated in an office potluck again.

  • Joe - 6 years ago

    Always get the 411 - who made what? Thats why i always either gave money or bought something pre-made by the grocery store - nobody wanted to eat my "broke single dude" food offerings , any more than i wanted to cook them. If you arent a jerk in the office, someone will let you know whats what.

  • Alicia - 6 years ago

    My company actually catered with Po' Folks. mmm mmm mmm. Yes, I made a big ass plate & took home seconds.

  • Fendercase - 6 years ago

    I used to participate VERY selectively....and then I heard the episode that y'all went IN on the potlucks. I can't unsee\unhear what y'all said. Now I find convenient excuses to avoid white people's potlucks. I WILL let black women feed me though


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