A New York state legislator has introduced a bill that would require police to check your social media posts before you can buy a gun. What are your thoughts?
This is totally fair. If you're spouting racist, violent, or just plain hateful messages into the void, you probably shouldn't be allowed to own a deadly weapon.
This is going a little far — unless you've committed a violent crime, there's no reason your right to bear arms should be taken from you, even if you're proven to be a jerk on the internet.
This is an interesting idea, and I believe background checks need to be expanded to be relevant in the 21st century. However, the bill requires people to give law enforcement login information, and I don't agree with that.
Wow — gun control AND thought monitoring, all rolled into one. That's not frightening. Nope. Not at all.
If we're trying to keep firearms out of the hands of dangerous people, this could be an initial blueprint for real legislation. I'm not saying I agree 100 percent, but I am intrigued by where the discussion will go.
Whether I agree with this concept or not, I recognize the ridiculous amount of strain this would put on law enforcement, and they have better things to do than to be Googling names all day.
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