Do you want Obrecht back regularly?


  • Theresa Probst - 6 years ago

    No I don't want you to bring her back. Like the other person said, not unless she is going to give the news about Nell and how she delivered her baby and it was just fine. Please! This has been going on too damn long!! Thanks for listening.

  • Ada Bren - 6 years ago

    The only way I want you to bring her back is if she opens her mouth about nelles baby I am sick and tired of that baby story getting as far as it did. That baby needs a new name change stat. And should be with his rifle parent Michael

  • Felicia Walker - 6 years ago

    Please, please don't bring her back; this character like so many others on GH add NOTHING. This soap has been going down the tubes for years and doesn't seem to be getting better!

  • Karen - 6 years ago

    Yes! But not in jail. She's one of the most fun characters.

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