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How would you feel about Equestria Girls elements seeping into Friendship is Magic itself

Total Votes: 3,165

  • anon - 6 years ago

    I would rather that the last 4 seasons of FiM (the point which the show took a DRASTIC turn for the worse) were erased from existence in favor of crossovers with Equestria Girls. That would be infinitely better than the current state of the show, as long as they kept to Season 4 canon.

  • J47fly - 6 years ago

    @A.Brony Right? It'll be too sexualized. Humans ARE objects, and the idea of making innocent species like the ponies into 'objectifying-humans' is an abomination.

  • A.Brony - 6 years ago

    I don't enjoy the idea of humans being canonised because I feel that it would provide further excuses to transpose more of our societal failures onto Equestria (in terms of how any given episode is written), or make the show more like My Little Pony Tales where it's a white washed and bleached version of our civilisation rather than an 'alien' one that isn't perfect but functions better than ours.

  • Stone Prophet - 6 years ago

    Whatever causes the most controversy is the best option!

  • Flutterbatty - 6 years ago

    Remember, "No EQG" still is winning, as a whole.

    You have to count both groups voting for "No EQG at all" and "Only ponified cameos." Both basically want the same thing: no major EQG infiltration into FiM.

    But because the vote is split, it appears that the "EQG in FiM" crowd is winning. It's not really.

    The math:
    670 votes for "Only Ponified Cameos." 33%
    390 votes for "No EQG at all," 19%.

    Add that up: 1060 votes, or 52% of the votes.
    Vs. only 870 votes and 42% of the votes for "Yes EQG needs Canonizing"

    So far, 10% more of the votes want little to no EQG in FiM.

  • Medicine Cat - 6 years ago

    Incorporating Equestria Girls would be the End of the Road as far as I'm concerned. I really wish Equestria Girls would just go away.

  • Anon - 6 years ago

    What a horrific display
    Certainly everyone with taste has left, jaded over twilicorn and eqg.
    To see the fandom so enthusiastically embrace the summit of our departure, tragic.

    but it all changed that night,
    that terrible night
    limitless potential,
    diverging beliefs,
    and with the last whimper of free expression:

  • Misscellanio - 6 years ago

    I would say a special would be awesome (maybe a few) and have a few episodes with like Sunset or them going to the EQG world or yea idk. sCI-twi in the pony world would be badass too

  • J47fly - 6 years ago

    NO! NO EQUESTRIA GIRLS IN FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC. Please keep both worlds apart of it, THANKS.

  • Bryce Kanyon - 6 years ago

    If the series is coming to an end during the Season 9 run, if the rumors are true, we'd need to be able to take advantage of every opportunity to make the show end big as possible. And I do believe one of those options would be if somehow to incorporate the Equestria Girls elements into the show because up till now we've only seen it happen in the features. For example: The multiple times Sunset Shimmer made her return to the MLP Universe from the first time when she tried to steal Twilight's crown, during her reformed stage when she tried to meet with Twilight only to run into Starlight Glimmer (Who'd have thus far only 'one' trip into the EG realm), and who can 'forget' when she came back to Equestria seeking Twilight's help when her friends had a memory problem and when she finally reunited with Princess Celestia (In my opinion, one of the most touching moments of that special).

    After all, when the show ends so will 'Equestria Girls' as eventually the entire toy line-up will come to a halt if there's no need for further installments. Don't we often wonder how some of those 'people' so to speak would look as ponies in the Equestria Universe besides The Dazzlings? And besides with all that magic that keeps seeping into their world, what starts as a little crack in the statue will only get bigger and bigger until both worlds could 'permanently' combine at the rate it's going.

    But that's just what I think anyway, though I would humbly believe this concept could offer great promise the more we think about it. It's just a matter of seizing the opportunity before another company does with their own franchises.

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