Do you look forward to Julie bringing down Gabi?


  • Michael - 6 years ago

    I can’t stand Julie - she’s too over dramatic. Gabi is in a mess right now but I want so much for her to find happiness.

  • Madeline - 6 years ago

    I think Gabi got her revenge on Abigail and Stephen and enough is enough .

  • Lesa Garrett - 6 years ago

    Great show!

  • patty - 6 years ago

    gabby is downright evil and has mental problems

  • patty - 6 years ago

    gabby is downright evil and has mental problems

  • Tulsa time - 6 years ago

    Gabi is doing a great job as a villain. My bet is on Julie, because I love her since forever and I have seen her take on Phyllis Anderson and Stefano himself. Don’t forget she took on Bonnie too when the fake Mickey was on, lol! Go Julie!!!

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