Do you think 2019 will have even more school shootings than 2018?


  • CT - 6 years ago

    This administration has no intention of making more restrictive gun laws. We aren't going to see any decrease in school shootings unless the states go ahead and make their own laws to protect their children. With the recent election resulting in more liberals in office, we may see some change at the state level of governance, but I doubt that it's enough to change gun laws.

  • Jwan - 6 years ago

    American Exceptionalism, can't stop, won't stop!

  • Phil - 6 years ago

    I am still waiting on the "Live" shooting to happen, I am very surprised it hasn't yet in the world we live in. As of December 13th an Indiana school shooting was "stopped" because of a tip given out to the police. They engaged in a firefight with the kid until he shot himself. With the NRA and 2nd amendmenters fighting tooth and nail to put a halt to all gun reform talks; the shootings will continue and more, Thoughts and prayers will be the solution because its too soon to push an agenda, and so on and so on.

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