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Would you like to see Rey and Sharon couple up?

Total Votes: 4,368

  • Sandy irwin - 6 years ago

    Yes tired of phyllis bed hopping..she is cute- but not enough to hold all their hearts- geez

  • Sandy irwin - 6 years ago

    Yes tired of phyllis bed hopping..she is cute- but not enough to hold all their hearts- geez

  • Robin Zarzana - 6 years ago

    Sharon and Nick belong together!
    Billy and Victoria belong together!
    Jack and Phyliss belong together!
    Musical beds needs to stop and these three couples need to grow up, get back together and be faithful!!
    Billy sleeping with Summer took any chance of Billy and Phyliss away! I like Billy better with Victoria.

  • Susan - 6 years ago

    Nik and shoren

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