How Will The Indians Address Their Outfield Need?


  • Mike Nelson - 6 years ago

    B buttermans comment is a concern. The owners should do something about this. Multiple players reported that Francona goes around the dugout stating “pull my finger “ and “backblast area clear” before farting. This unprofessional behavior could mean the difference in a playoff series.

  • Bob butterman - 6 years ago

    The Indians do not have the capability to sign a free agent such as Polluck due to a culture of gassy flatulence. One of the reasons Brantley did not consider to resign was Franconas persistent and disrespectful milky farts.

  • Tony - 6 years ago

    Mark do you mean Bradley Zimmer? He had surgery last season, and is not expected to be ready at the beginning of the season. If I recall correctly, they are guessing he will be ready at around the All-Star break.

  • Mark - 6 years ago

    Why no mention of Zimmerman? Is he a non-factor for them?

  • Dave Cahen - 6 years ago

    The Indians will be good no matter who they put in the OF, I wouldn’t trade Kluber, period. Franconia is a great manager, He will make them good no matter what.

    Btw, I’m not an Indians fan.

  • Larry - 6 years ago

    Indians had their chance 2016, up three games to one,Cubs deserved World Series Champs, they waited a long time, just liked the Indians, Cubs have great fans too.

    Cleveland Indians going to be waiting again for a long time.

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