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Would you prefer using a camera system or rearview mirrors?


  • Willie hankins - 6 years ago

    Bad idea snow and ice over the lens block your vision

  • Gryphon - 6 years ago

    The poll only gives two options, mirrors or cameras. There should be a third option as a combination of both. I'm used to using mirrors in the truck, but I also like having the rearview camera in my personal vehicle as an additional aid in backing. The camera has become standard in all new vehicles, for the fact that it is another level of safety added to a vehicle. But, these cameras are often fouled by dirt, water and snow so they can't be solely relied upon for backing. Look at the addition of cameras as another tool available for the driver that one day will become mandatory for new trucks being made.

    I remember when the addition of the drive cams were introduced into the truck. I hated the idea of having this box in the truck recording not just the road, but also the driver's compartment. It was like having 'Big Brother' watching and tattling on me. That was until the moment I was t-boned by a government vehicle and the driver accused me of being responsible in the accident. The video was downloaded and showed the truth. I was exonerated and the government employee was dealt with harshly for the lies they gave to investigating officials in the accident. It would have ended poorly for me if the cameras didn't show that I did everything in my power to avoid being struck. I embraced the positive side to having a camera in the vehicle and support having them in all vehicles. I even bought one for my personal vehicle just as another level of 'CYA' (Cover Your Ass). I hope I never need it, but it's there if I ever do.

  • Steve - 6 years ago

    I like the idea of the camera system.
    Thought of adding a camera to watch my right side.
    Will NOT depend upon cameras ONLY.
    It is electronic.
    It will eventually fail and Murphy says it will be at the worst time possible.
    Imagine being in or near a major city.
    The right side cameras fail.
    No physical mirrors.
    You cannot move to the right now because you cannot see those lanes nor vehicles.
    Disaster moment and it will be considered your fault regardless of the reason for failure.
    You will be in court, or the least.

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