Are you worried for Hope and Beth?


  • Brenda Locklear - 5 years ago

    Ok...this is TOO obvious...The DR...Zoe's dad...will give baby to that girl who lost her baby and switch body for Hope's baby. He will hold Hope's baby for ransom because he owes so much money to loan shark...then that girl with Hope's baby will refuse to give her back and Dr will have to either kill her or confess...either way he ends up in jail and disgraced....hopefully Zoe goes with him!! I don't like her... Or Wayne Brady in this show

  • Brenda Locklear - 5 years ago

    Ok...this is TOO obvious...The DR...Zoe's dad...will give baby to that girl who lost her baby and switch body for Hope's baby. He will hold Hope's baby for ransom because he owes so much money to loan shark...then that girl with Hope's baby will refuse to give her back and Dr will have to either kill her or confess...either way he ends up in jail and disgraced....hopefully Zoe goes with him!! I don't like her... Or Wayne Brady in this show

  • Nikeitrus Davis - 5 years ago

    Yes, I feel bad for her to. The writer should have left the baby drama alone. Wrote another scene. Hope should have been married to Detective Sanchez and blessed with a baby. Why repeat history of romance with the same guy. You're talking about step sisters liking the same guy. Nasty. Going down the same path as Brook and Taylor. Really.
    Hope already been with Wyatt and lost a baby. Now, you marry her to Liam. Nasty. Brook is the biggest hoe on this soap. She been with Eric, had 2 kids from him. She slept with her daughters husband. Hope was birth from that. She got with ridge then his brother from Marcemo. Like, the late stephanie said, she keeps it in the family. Then, you bring in a black doctor to make him look bad, by stealing hopes child. Really. She should have been still fighting for her life on that Island. The baby deceased, and she cant have any more children. Dr Reese borrowa money from Dr Taylor and nevere returns it. He keeps borrowing money and take her on a whirl wind for a sucker. Ridge gets involved and loses Brook to Bill Spencer behind this. Thats how you write the scene. Hope should be married to someone else than Liam. Liam should be married to Steffy raising his child. Writer, stop being so messy.

  • Trich - 5 years ago

    I happened to feel a little sorry for hope but she did it to get Liam in her Good graces Liam and his first baby mommy belong to gather

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