Will Beth's loss end Hope and Liam's marriage?


  • terri stamper - 6 years ago

    Please bring Liam an Steffy back together.i don't like hope she's to much like her mom

  • Mary - 6 years ago

    I have watched this show from the beginning, you have broke my heart so many times.I am begging you to please keep Hope and Liam together,they are real, Steffy and Liam are fake.PLEASE, get Beth back to Hope and Liam while she is an infant,so they don't miss out on all the beautiful joys of the early days. Steffy has always been jealous of Hope, she has always wanted anyone and anything that Hope ever had. Stop hurting Hope, I agree with Tiffanie, GIVE THEM THEIR BABY BACK.

  • Cindy Fisher - 6 years ago

    SI you mean Steffy will do the same thing Hope did when Steffy lost her baby!!! Now whose the whore!!!

  • Sl - 6 years ago

    Stuffy will try to get Liam back because she is a whore

  • Mary - 6 years ago

    Liam has not been able to make a commitment to either woman he is such a loser I don’t know any woman would put up with him. He bounces from one to the other like a rubber ball.

  • donna - 6 years ago

    Hope and LIAM should be together we all know that Steff is a matteress; she had both brothers and the father and the fact that no one saw Beth accept Reese and he also so a picture[in his mind]what the baby would bring so who can say that he did not changed babies after all there was that young lady that was leaving because her baby was still born think about it so Beth was kidnapped and will be sold back to Hope and Liam and Steffy will have to try to get some other guy she may co after Wyatt again and than Sally can knock Steffy on her ass.....

  • Tiffanie - 6 years ago

    I'm so sick of this Liam and Steffy belong together. Hope was his 1st choice and Steffy and Bill interfered with that. Hope Liam and their baby need to be reunited Dr Buckingham need to go to jail where he belongs or back to let's make a deal..I don't care who finds Beth as long as it doesn't take forever to get. GIVE THEM THEIR BABY BACK..SMH

  • Linda - 6 years ago

    I've watched for 28 years, sadly taking a break over baby stuff. BUT I'll be back when hope gets baby back-- of course I hope doesn't take long!!! Liam will go towards steffy and Kelly- hope Hope gets her baby and dumps him!!!!

  • Charlene - 6 years ago

    I've watch this show from day one and if the writers had any empathy they would have never wrote this storyline. Anything to get Liam back with Steffy...awful!!! Well I'm only reading comments now as i stated recently if they had this Reese take a child to save his own ass, that I would stop watching and I HAVE. And now I don't watch LMAD because of Wayne Brady role on B&B

  • Deb - 6 years ago

    I have watched this show from when it first started. Liam and Steffy beling together.

  • Veda Bartelle - 6 years ago

    Writers don't let it go that far. Hope and Liam belong together. I have been watching this soap from the beginning. Let them both be Bold and stay in their beautiful relationship.

  • Vicktoria Hizer - 6 years ago

    Writers have habitually tormented Hope and Liam. Hope was his first choice. Newcomers to this soap choose sides without knowing history. This story line is nothibg less than depravity.

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