Which do you prefer: Samsung's design or Apple's?


  • False Attribution - 6 years ago

    Between the hole punch as an industry original design and the notch as an Essential industry original design (seriously, plenty of things Apple has innovated - why do people insist on crediting them with things they borrow from another company and then call out others when they copy "their" design?), My preference would be the hole if it were centered. Otherwise, the notch is at least symmetrical and easier to adapt to.

    That said, I would prefer a slim bezel and an unadulterated rectangle display over either.

  • Luiz - 6 years ago

    Bezel. I don't understand this obsession with notches and holes. Just put a bezel on top.

  • Dmitry - 6 years ago

    Just get rid of the front camera. I never use it and believe many people do not use it either.

  • Gem - 6 years ago

    Bullet hole is the better solution. The notch is self defeating. It's designed to give us "more screen" but for media as gaming, you can't actually use any of the notch area. And for the few apps that do allow it, the notch blocks and distorts content. I'd rather have a small circle in a corner that won't interfere with streaming, gaming or notifications than a notch that makes it harder to display useful information (battery percentage on iOS, the amount of notifications on Android) or watch things on full display.

  • Steve D - 6 years ago

    I would take the hole punch all day. Why do you think manufactures are coming up with hole punch and slider phones??.... Because the notch is UGLY!

  • Dayton Grover - 6 years ago

    I thought we established that symmetry is favored in design, decades, ago?

  • Penis Monster - 6 years ago

    Nobody really matters.

  • Dylan Bacon - 6 years ago

    I think the mainstream population is so used to only Samsung and Apple-made smart devices that a lot of people forget to notice how much competition Samsung and Apple really have to innovate to beat. A lot of the comments are comparisons, but if you watch JerryRigEverything or Unbox Therapy or MKBHD, you would know full well that really affordable phones with the newest specs already have completely bezeless designs and they still keep the cameras and other tools (Some times mechanical popups, sometimes manual slides, others hidden in the tiniest bezel). I think Samsung has paved the way for the other successful Android device manufacturers and maybe even Apple, because Samsung innovated edge displays for years and Apple just now started using them, but Apple didn't even go edge to edge! They only curved the glass, which defeats the purpose of minimizing the screen-to-body ratio. Overall I think the Samsung Design wins... Because honestly, everyone loves the fingerprint sensor. And nobody in their right mind wants to look at a rectangle when they are playing games or watching YouTube.

  • HaqueDMD - 6 years ago

    Extremely biased article on a Mac site with a conclusion drawn in the title. Then the article ends with a survey?

    As an iPhone user since the first one, I will honestly tell you that Tim Cook has not innovated enough to keep my interest. I have the iPhone X and I do not like the notch. I immensely dislike FaceID, miss my fingerprint sensor, and have finally made the decision to switch to the Note 9.

    This article + survey helped me finalize that decision. Thx 9to5 Apple.

  • Anthony L Harrison - 6 years ago

    I have been Samsung phone user but if apple would able you to loud apps and music for free like Samsung does it would be a no brainer

  • Christopher Franson - 6 years ago

    Funny they both have their reasons. Face ID, internal finger print. Both pretty secure as Samsung has Sonic finger print scanner making harder to cheat it. But as for a camera I really like the screen real estate of the Nubia X. Great option for full real estate and use out better cameras.

  • Thomas scott - 6 years ago

    Samsung's plan shot hole looks a lot better

  • R - 6 years ago

    One is a notch, the other is a dot sitting on the screen like a dazzled moth. How about this - DO AWAY with the front camera.

  • Noreek - 6 years ago

    Bottomline. More display WINS. Why make a phone with edge to edge display but put a notch on the top thats obviously visible. Im not trying to see the more display screen when the phone is in sleep mode. It appears to have a big display until the screen lights up to use, then there goes the old school look (notch).

  • Anon - 6 years ago

    Gee, after a piece that slams the cutout and praises the notch the poll results lean towards the notch? How shocking! ????

  • Tom Gojcaj - 6 years ago

    Notches did not and do not bother me. However, I will take the hole punch over the notch.

  • Alberto - 6 years ago

    Obviously here always be a different opinions between apple and android users. Like myself I was an apple user since the iPhone 3GS till the iPhone X, and now I have the Samsung Galaxy Note 9, to be honest with the apple users. IPHONES are and will always be beautiful from outside but same from inside. ANDROID are always changing from inside than outside. And what is important is the inside, because the outside is just appearance. Same when u are with someone u like them because and they way they are and not how they look like.

  • Habouz - 6 years ago

    Well, for me I chose samsung’s. Both designs look clean but what matters for me is it's effects. Samsung has that hole in the far right corner which doesn't interrupt the screen, sure there is some wasted pixels but what I imagine goes there are just banners. Plus, it doesn't ruin the video experience as the notch. However, the notch actually can hold stuff in it (face ID, speakers, etc) but for me face iD is rubbish so it's better to have Samsung's fingerprint scanner. The notch also removes the purpose of the edge to edge display, like if it's just was bugger enough, it's more like a bezel on top.

  • Habouz - 6 years ago

    Well, for me I chose samsung’s. Both designs look clean but what matters for me is it's effects. Samsung has that hole in the far right corner which doesn't interrupt the screen, sure there is some wasted pixels but what I imagine goes there are just banners. Plus, it doesn't ruin the video experience as the notch. However, the notch actually can hold stuff in it (face ID, speakers, etc) but for me face iD is rubbish so it's better to have Samsung's fingerprint scanner. The notch also removes the purpose of the edge to edge display, like if it's just was bugger enough, it's more like a bezel on top.

  • Gene M Simon - 6 years ago

    Why the obsession with no bezels? Give me a full screen. I can live with small bezels. Function over form any day.

  • Fuckapple - 6 years ago

    Your comments are the worst load of bullshit ever made on the internet. Rubbish conclusions with no facts to back it up other than the fact that every pore in your body is oozing with love for the rotten apple

  • eikaun - 6 years ago

    Geez what a backward thinking site.

  • Dennis Cole - 6 years ago

    For the love, there doesn’t need to be a notch.

  • Craig - 6 years ago

    How about no notch. So taking away screen space. I have a pixel 3xl and turned that nonsense off about 2 minutes after I set my phone up.

  • jay - 6 years ago

    all i have to say is the s10 has more screen and im a samsung guy and waumy more screen than the iphone X and its notch

  • Benji - 6 years ago

    No notch is preferred, but, a small hole wins vs a big notch. Of course on a Mac forum, I don't expect to find much different opinion. If Apple came out with a small hole design tomorrow, guess what the verdict on this forum would be. If the hole is pushed back within the notifications bar, then it's not as obtrusive as a notch and I prefer it.

  • Ben - 6 years ago

    The waterdrop notch style like in the OnePlus 6T is far superior to either. Samsung's hole punch looks wrong and has wasted pixels on two sides of it while the iPhone notch is just way too large and ugly

  • David B - 6 years ago

    Notch or hole, I’d take either, but doesnt the notch do a lot more (faceID) this samsung one just looks like a forward facing camera....Apples to oranges?

  • Bill - 6 years ago

    That notch takes up more screen than the hole. I'll take MORE screen thank you! Hole puch is BOSS

  • Steven - 6 years ago

    I'm an apple (sorry) so I take the iPhone X although my first phone and only phone for now is a Android but I Also have a Chromebook and I'm writing this from my 5 year old iPad mini 4.

  • Nate - 6 years ago

    Neither I think having any obstructionist in the display is just ugly. But if I had to pick one I'd go with the whole from Samsung.

  • Mark A Ally - 6 years ago

    Seriously, why have either? I mean how much extra screen real estate do you really get, a mm or two and is it worth the eye sore and quite frankly "ugliness" of the notch or hole and will that mm or two make any difference whatsoever on a 6.4" screen or whatever size your phone is while watching a friggin movie or playing a game and if it does get a bloody tablet and let us who don't gaf bout that mm or two have our beautiful displays with no eye sores, please! When did all this no bezel and no headphone jack crap start because it's stupid imo. I have a Note 9 and there's plenty of screen for me plus my headphone jack who tf cares about a damn mm or two for real, is it that friggin serious? I shouldn't have to sacrifice either a beautiful display nor a headphone jack for a pricetag of $1,000+ so I'll stick with my Note 9 till technology allows Samsung to do what most of y'all picky mf's are crying about, no bezels and my headphone jack stays, thank you.

  • Tony Ashworth - 6 years ago

    Are you kidding, bigger ugly use of space is better??? You have to be an iPhone follower..

  • Joshua - 6 years ago

    I think the best approach is the full display like the Oppo Find X... A true edge to edge display. The notch which Apple copied from the Essential phone and the OnePlus 6T is rocking is the best approach. Samsung punch hole is a better alternative but a slim bezel is good.

  • Francesco - 6 years ago

    I think it looks fine wouldn’t need to try it to give you an honest opinion. I think iPhone and Samsung are equal in that area!

  • Bartleby - 6 years ago

    Just give me a bezel.

  • Rod Hier - 6 years ago

    If I had to choose, I would lose the notch. For me Samsung's approach provides a cleaner look. I could probably live with a notch but at these prices why should I have to? Prefer a flat screen as opposed to a curved screen. Like having 2 speakers on top, therefore a reasonable sized bezel works for me. While we're at it, I don't understand the fashion police obsession against bezels. Function before form. For me, it's just a phone.

  • Julio - 6 years ago

    You guys have to realize. Minority of the people on these sites are Apple people. If Android Central or Android Authority did this poll it would be completely switched. Lol

  • your name - 6 years ago

    Apple Fanboys are the only people who are stupid enough to like the iPhone X notch over a black dot in the corner...

  • D.Smith - 6 years ago

    So a lot of you really gonna say that the iPhone not h is better that the hole punch?! You gotta be kidding me but then again Apple fanboys don't surprise me un anything they do. The notch is and was a terrible idea to begin with but Apple knew what everyone else already knew and that was no matter what the Apple fanboys were just gonna buy it anyway. If I had to chose between a notch and a hole punch then the latter is easy. You Apple fanboys are a bunch of followers.

  • LesB - 6 years ago

    Ugh! That notch is just plain UGLY

  • John - 6 years ago

    Ya, lets have a poll on a Apple fan website. Loyal Apple heads view Apple as the best innovators no matter what they design and will be in denial and view this poll as Apple vs Android.

  • Rod - 6 years ago

    Honestly I don't understand why companies feel that edge to edge screen is such a great thing? Having a bezel with cameras speakers and perhaps other features on the top takes nothing away from a phone design. Function before form!. I angers me that consumers are going to be forced to pay good money for bad design with notches, holes or other bad design choices this year! My Note8 has a big screen and a bezel and it's Fine. Better in fact than having districting parts of the screen "missing" because some dumb engineer and marketing hack think notches, holes, etc is somehow a great design. Give me a full screen. You wouldn't stand for a TV screen with notches or holes. Why are we settling for this BS?

  • Craig Southwick - 6 years ago

    Of the two choices, I prefer the notch. With all choices available I'd want a bezel. I'd rather designers minimized the bezel while avoiding display interruptions completely.

  • Vince Antinoro - 6 years ago

    If Iike the iphone notch and I would like the iphone hole better if they did it because i like everything iphone no matter what Samsung does even if i have to wait for iphone designs and ca[paboilities to catch upwith Samsung and i pay a lot more for iphones!

  • Dennis Schmitz - 6 years ago

    Oneplus' approach on the 6T is by far the nicest.

  • Garrett Blackard - 6 years ago

    They’re both intrusive on the display. The hole would be cool but it shouldn’t be on the side, but in the middle. The notch is intrusive but depending on your phone hardly a nuisance.

  • Seth - 6 years ago

    I'm inclined to think that the primary viewer for 9to5Mac is an Apple user, so I'm not sure what the poll would look like given proper weighting. Frankly I don't like either option—I would like to wait until we figure out how to hide front cameras and sensors under the display entirely. Just me though.

  • Shad Torrie - 6 years ago

    Typical iPhone users. Only voting for the choice with apples name because apple knows best. Before the iPhone 6, iPhone users ridiculed my s4 for having a gigantic screen. Those same people one year later bought the iPhone 6+. If apple made the hole punch and Samsung the notch, the average apple users would still vote for apples.

  • TAW - 6 years ago

    Come on, Samsung's design is the most logical possible in this case as well.

  • Jon Garrett - 6 years ago

    The hole is obviously better than the notch but what does it really matter BOTH designs are Samsung's anyway and the Note 10 or S11 will certainly have 100% screen anyway with Samsung putting the camera AND speaker under the display.

    Anyway, notch or hole I like them both.

  • JOE - 6 years ago

    No NOTCH or any distortion just like the iPhone 8+

  • Louis Davidson - 6 years ago

    I would prefer either: a straight, thin as possible black strip at the top and or bottom so the video has no notch. Or, perhaps the notch, but NOTHING goes in the notch excep stats. So video never shows up in there.

    I use my phone to watch lots of video, like at the gym, and you can’t max video because of it being a distraction. If video wasn’t a concern, the notch wouldn’t bother me at all. And I think if it was 100 system status, it would make software dev easier too

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