AMLO says he has few assets: do you believe him?


  • Cyka blyat - 5 years ago

    Cyka blyat

  • Luke skywalker - 5 years ago

    Im so disappoint from amlo by planing the train

  • Pepo 2 - 5 years ago

    Whos good now
    Amlo or us

  • Emma - 5 years ago

    He didn’t declare all his assets and for many he uses false names or his son’s names

  • Gina - 5 years ago

    As obvious as Trump being corrupt and narcissistic, it is equally obvious that AMLO is honest and altruistic.

  • Leo May - 5 years ago

    Difficult being an impoverished politician in Mexico. Let's hope the next 6 years are kinder to him in the tradition of Mexican presidents.

  • Fema 2 - 5 years ago

    Not a good idea they will kill jaguars, and they are trying to convince lying.

  • Pepo 2 - 5 years ago

    Jaguars are dying because polution but the train would kill double

  • Pepo - 5 years ago

    The train is a terrible idea. Jaguares will die

  • Juan Diaz - 5 years ago

    AMLO is honest, the attackers are prianrd or false Mexicans. AMLO is like our greatest Mexican President Lic. Benito Juarez. Like him, AMLO is from the people, for the people and to the people. We, MexicanAmericans are AMLO !!!. Down with corruption and jail to the ex-presidents like Salinas, Fox, Penanieto and the rest of thieves !!!

  • LORE RAZA - 5 years ago


  • David Allison - 5 years ago

    The ugly right wing USA Americans will always attack Mexican leaders who do not kneel to the US capitalists and their Republican party tools. Sad.

  • Ron True - 5 years ago

    Mexico should look at what AMLO has done and projected in the whole of his life. He has projected a real caring for the Mexican people, unlike the current President in the U.S. AMLO has rarely sided with the rich and the wealthy as a social or political path in his life. Nobody is perfect, so what does he gain by lying so early in his Presidency. Remember, he's also requiring All of his cabinet to submit their holdings. Does anyone believe this would happen in the Trump Administration. I would love to trade Presidents!! Any takers.

  • Bob - 5 years ago

    His life style during his prior run for political office and his most recent run for the President of Mexico all, without exception (that I am aware of) reflect that he lives a reasonable simple life with few luxuries - a very used car, travels by regular class in airplanes for state travel, has no security detail, etc.
    I'd say that this President of Mexico could set a new standard - for Mexico.

  • Baja Gringo - 5 years ago

    He is a liar like every other politician here or abroad.... But especially in Mexico, get real people.

  • Robert - 5 years ago

    Ha ha ha ha, dont amount to much, the rest are well hidden!

  • Maria - 5 years ago

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