Do you want to see the black people from The Greenbook win any awards?

1 Comment

  • CT - 6 years ago

    I’m not saying they should never win again in their life, but I don’t think they should win for this specific project. When artists take on these projects, every one is a risk, because people don’t know what’s going to hit, and what’s going to flop. But this film seemed damned from the beginning. And then some exceptionally grave decisions were made during the film, to put it even further down a losing battle.

    I think Octavia and Mahershala will be more than fine. It was a bad project, and everyone has a bad project or two on their record. So long as they sing waste time doubling down on their poor decision (COUGH COUGH, KEVIN), then they will be fine.

    But as far as awards go, I think they should just bow out gracefully and let the lesser-problematic films, actors and actresses get in there for the Win.

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