OOCs disgust at Knobbs cleaning house is a quote I can’t get out of my head
Jacob Federico - 6 years ago
My actual favourite quote of the year is too long to put into the write-in section.
"Some cunts gonna fall over, I'm gonna put Sonic Mania music over it and they're gonna go Maffew you're a genius, how do you come up with your ideas" - Maffew on Botchamania RR '18
Sebastian Brabazon - 6 years ago
Choosing from this list is as heart wrenching as picking a favorite boy. A winner is all of them... except Maffew... but also especially Maffew.
In the end my choice came down to either V1’s “Don’t Tease Me Lex” or his “I’VE JUST SEEN IT!” But in the end his sheer passionate rage put the latter over the top.
Oliver Willis - 6 years ago
This is the only one I've voted twice in, once for the obligatory Maffew vote to wind up OOC and again for the actual vote which had to be V1 yelling at Jimmy Bennett.
OOCs disgust at Knobbs cleaning house is a quote I can’t get out of my head
My actual favourite quote of the year is too long to put into the write-in section.
"Some cunts gonna fall over, I'm gonna put Sonic Mania music over it and they're gonna go Maffew you're a genius, how do you come up with your ideas" - Maffew on Botchamania RR '18
Choosing from this list is as heart wrenching as picking a favorite boy. A winner is all of them... except Maffew... but also especially Maffew.
In the end my choice came down to either V1’s “Don’t Tease Me Lex” or his “I’VE JUST SEEN IT!” But in the end his sheer passionate rage put the latter over the top.
This is the only one I've voted twice in, once for the obligatory Maffew vote to wind up OOC and again for the actual vote which had to be V1 yelling at Jimmy Bennett.