Should cats have the same licensing requirements as dogs?


  • Kathy - 5 years ago

    As cats can cause harm to others pets, gardens, & wildlife. Their owners should be responsible for their cat as Dog owners are required to annually. Cats should be licensed, leashed/controlled & not allowed to roam free causing havoc. Its long over due, Cat Owners need to take responsibility for their pets. The $$$ collected from licensing fees can help with operational cost of implementing this bylaw.

  • Mary - 6 years ago

    Forcing a cat that has been living as an indoor/outdoor (roaming free) to stay indoors or be on a leash isn't fair. If this is enforced I think it should be done gradually and only apply to cats born after the time it was decided to be enforced. Then owners can raise the cat as an indoor/leash trained cat from birth and not have to essentially take it's freedom away which could cause serious depression and stress.

  • Cats are not classified as Domestic Animals, classed as "property" under Legislation, thus, not eligible to be regulated such as establishing a Cat Licence, as well, under "Common Law" entitled to roam anywhere.

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