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Do you support President Trump's plans for a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border?

Total Votes: 165

  • John Rostad - 5 years ago

    Over the last 14 years, prominent Democrats ( including Obama, Clinton, Pelosi, and Schumer, ) spoke for and voted to fund a barrier on our southern border . The videos of those speeches are available to view. The completed sections of that barrier have greatly reduced the entry of illegal immigrants and drugs to our country, but opinionated and agenda-driven "media" do NOT report those facts. We need to close the open gaps. The reality is that a wall may not keep all illegals out, but no wall will keep nobody out.
    If barriers (walls) are "ineffective", explain why they are used around prisons.
    The ONLY reason Democrats don't want to fund a wall now is to prevent President Trump from achieving one of his major campaign promises. They would then say "See, he couldn't even keep his promise.".
    And too many people believe them without examining their explanations or motivations.

  • Dave Markwald - 5 years ago

    There is no logical reason to not support the southern border with a barrier. The life it saves just could be your own or a loved one. This is so important on so many levels. Wake up America.

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