Should Sally & Wyatt get married?


  • Jean Kotara - 6 years ago

    I am so over stealing a baby Beth. I will not be watching the B&B until Hope n Liam have their baby back. I am so over watching this crap. I will watch Y&R only until baby Beth gets reunited.

  • Linda - 6 years ago

    Yes, and please let them be happy. There's too many people on these soaps that can't live a normal life, so please let there be a young happy problem free couple for once.

  • Janice Schmidt - 6 years ago

    I am no longer watching B & B! Until Hope gets Beth back I am done! From what I have read Taylor and Steffy will eventually figure it out and decide not to tell! That just proves how selfish Steffy is and how crazy Taylor is! I am sure that she will enjoy hurting Hope and Brooke and feel it’s payback for what they did to her and Steffy! That is pure evil and I hope Liam can’t get Hope or Beth back in his life after leaving Hope again for Steffy! He is such weak wimp! This storyline sucks and I know that the truth will come out in time! But until it does I won’t watch!

  • Linda - 6 years ago

    Yes....please keep them together....they both deserve happiness.

  • maddeeslp - 6 years ago

    Maybe something longer term, vs ..↔⏬+(). (Rather than up, down and all around with their emotions was what I tried to say. Would't all fit in the comment space).

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