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Should the women tell Nick and Victor EVERYTHING!

Total Votes: 7,076

  • Grannyof3 - 6 years ago

    I do agree they need to bring Lilly back & her and Cane get back on track. They was the only couple that interacted with thier kids like a normal family and since Lilly can't have any kids ,they need to show them raising S together. They need to show the kids more. Just like Victoria & Billy have kattie & Johnny. They worried about the kids but never really show them. I would like to see Billy & Victoria make it work. He's the only one that can get her to losing up and show she does have a fun side. Get Phyllis off the show for good. I did want Nick & Sharon back together but he always blames her for anything that goes wrong then they split up everytime. They do need to bring Paul & Dylan back. Let Dylan have a new look be the reason Paul was gone and them come back for Sharon. They have enough Black people, They just need to put them with the right people. Nate & Ana would be good. Devon & Marriah try again. Bring Drucella back. That would be a good story line. They never found her body.. Can't remember but didn't Phyllis have something to do with her fall? I was hoping they wouldn't bring Summer back at all but if so Put her with Fen. Leave Kyle &Lola alone. She brings the good out of him.

  • Barbra - 6 years ago

    Let Lily our of prison
    More Black actors needed-on the show
    Bring Paul , Ashley , and Kevin back
    Y&R is not as good as it once was

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