Daily Poll: Do you think Canada should take a tougher stance on human rights issues with China?


  • Michael - 6 years ago

    Enough is enough. Done with the laundering, done with the over priced housing, done with kids driving Ferrari’s with L’s in them. Just done. Mainland China is destroying B.C. Christy Clark from her husband selling BC rail to her buying 5 house before the prices went up. Everyone hates living here expect for the ones that are abusing the system. Leave already.

  • Chucky - 6 years ago

    AMEN!!!!! Brian!

  • Brian - 6 years ago

    China is what China is ! A Communist government controlled capitalisim, controlled global corporations, controlled citizens, control , control , control! Including : global money laundering, global drug trade , global manufacturing of cheap plastic crap from fossil fuels , counterfeit parts and spy technologies, barbaric human rights , and a communist mandate for globalization of their economic aggression !

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