Would You Still Watch Friendship is Magic if the Characters looked like regular horses instead of cute?


  • Medicine Cat - 6 years ago

    It seems to me like they're about 2/3 feline and 1/3 equine.

  • Smithers - 6 years ago

    Nope. The look of My Little Ponies is part of what makes the cartoon good. Realistic horses would not cut it for me. I would be fine with the slightly more equine design from G1 or G3 animation, but no further than that.

  • sam - 6 years ago

    horses are boring

  • B - 6 years ago

    I don't watch the show anymore so I don't care. I only lurk once in a while to see if the show gets fair so it'd be worthwhile getting back to.

  • Jeffrey Vauxhall - 6 years ago

    No, and we have Faust to thank for that one you may have the most ground-breaking story but without appeal i'd rather read a book

  • wipa - 6 years ago

    heuheueh I think you pushed it too much with 'real horses', but if it was just a 'more realistic style' or 'not as cute' I think I'd pretty much still watch it.

  • Anaxagoras - 6 years ago

    It's 90% the look of said horses that got me into watching.

  • Anon - 6 years ago

    It is certainly too late, but hasbro: take notes for g5.

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