Nanaimo traffic engineers need to drive around this city . Sight lines blocked by trees and shrubs. roads built without foresight , ie. no left turn signals at busy intersections (Duffern and Bowen) no right turn lanes at most intersections. Also the only solution they keep coming up with is traffic lights . if Nanaimo is hell bent on turning itself into the mainland with rampant development is time to start building proper interchanges and eliminating traffic lights. this includes the Nanaimo Parking lot also known as the parkway .
Nanaimo traffic engineers need to drive around this city . Sight lines blocked by trees and shrubs. roads built without foresight , ie. no left turn signals at busy intersections (Duffern and Bowen) no right turn lanes at most intersections. Also the only solution they keep coming up with is traffic lights . if Nanaimo is hell bent on turning itself into the mainland with rampant development is time to start building proper interchanges and eliminating traffic lights. this includes the Nanaimo Parking lot also known as the parkway .