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Should they give Lydia back to her abusive mom?

Total Votes: 36

  • Zindzi - 6 years ago

    If they can get their people back from the Whisperers without bloodshed, they should definitely give Lydia back to her mother. I know that lil boy is gonna kick up a fuss because he doesn't get it but that girl needs to be with her people and it isn't worth it to start a war with a new group right now. I think everyone knows this but there's gonna be some drama no matter what.

  • Jami - 6 years ago

    They should only keep that girl if she wants to stay but I don't know if she's worth going to war for. But honestly it might not matter anyway, at this point the whispers know where they are and giving her back may not stop them from attacking. They've already shown themselves to be aggressive whether you're bothering them or not.

  • Wallace Thomas - 6 years ago

    At some point, you have to pick your battles. Are you going to save every abused person in the z-poc?
    The Whisperers are a threat to all three communities and they will have to be dealt with, but Lydia AIN'T
    the hill to die on.

    Happy Blackface History Month, Rod and Karen.

    PS - I like to leave feedback....BECAUSE YOU READ MY FEEDBACK!!!

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