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Who should be the 2018-19 Westchester/Putnam wrestler of the year? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 9,531

  • No contest - 6 years ago

    This makes no sense. The question is ‘wrestler of the year’ not ‘pinner of the year’. Stop making the 6 point argument. Team points don’t matter when you have 1-2 competitors at a tournament that’s absurd. (Although Logan was a guaranteed bonus machine every time he stepped out when Wolk wasn’t a guaranteed win) If you’ve watched both wrestle, Logan is clearly the more dominant athlete. He’s a better wrestler period. His season was even better than his near perfect one last year. Do you seriously think Wolk wouldn’t get bonused if he wrestled one of the best if not the best p4p wrestler in NY?

  • John degl - 6 years ago

    I vote Dylan Hennessy even tho he’s a gps stud I appreciate him

  • Carol mazzella - 6 years ago

    What drive,commitment,superior skill.....and team player he pocesses. He's a great athlete

  • Lol - 6 years ago

    You think Logan not giving up a single offensive point since 10th grade is him not taking chances? Do you see how many points this guy scores a match? Second.... show me one match where him getting a tech fall instead of a pin cost his team a match ?you can’t because it never happen l. Wolk barely won three matches in eastern states before losing in the finals to MacFarland. He won by 2,2,1 point then lost where Logan scored bonus points in every match . We’re talking about the best wrestler not the best pinner and when it comes to wrestling they’re not even on the same level .

  • Six points beats five - its about your team too - 6 years ago

    They are all great wrestlers, no question about that. But the most outstanding wrestler is the one who provides the greatest benefit to his team’s success as well as his own success. Even if it means taking greater risks of potentially losing a takedown or reversal to go for the pin to win. Looking out for your team matters. At States, they all took 1st but with three pins Wolk brought in more points for his team- plain and simple - he did the best for himself but also did the best for his team- clearly the most outstanding.

  • Ac - 6 years ago


  • Gg - 6 years ago

    I vote Dylan

  • Dylan hennesy - 6 years ago

    Hi my name is Dylan hennesy and I’m astonished that I’m not a nominee. After losing in the blood round of the Scarsdale tournament last year I have avenged myself this season after winning the tournament and earning mist outstanding wrestler. The fact that I’m not a nominee is absurd I lost in the blood round of sectionals, I almost placed!!! Vince I’m just disappointed. You’ve slept on me all year and now I’m here! Don’t make this mistake again, help get me on this list comment #ivotedylan if you support.

  • Carol kovacs - 6 years ago

    Dual state champ.....he has my vote????‍♀️

  • Logan - 6 years ago

    I just looked at Logan’s record this season. Out of all his matches only 3 went the distance and they were won by MD. That means the other 36 matches were won by pin/tech. I’d have to imagine Logan and Wolk walk around the same weight. Who’d win in a wrestle off? If you say Wolk you’re likely delusional.

  • Yeah Right - 6 years ago

    These guys are right because it's all about how someone chooses to defeat their opponent, right?. Maybe you choose to get an MD over a TF, or a pin, right? Hey coach, I choose an MD today. Yeah, I know that pins help the team the most, but it's all about how I choose to win, right? Yeah Right. Any wrestler worth anything gets the pin IF THEY CAN.

  • Xxxx - 6 years ago

    Given that all three guys walk around at similar weights. It’s a fact that Logan would crush both in a wrestle off. How one wrestler chooses to beat an opponent vs another is meaningless. That’s in reference to Wolk pinning a kid vs Logan tech falling him. Those matches are Logan’s practice dummies.

  • Maryann Cook - 6 years ago

    Jake Logan is the best!

  • How stupid - 6 years ago

    6 points beats 5.... that is the dumbest thing I have ever read. You obviously don’t know much about wrestling.whats he ever done on the national level? Nothing. He a good wrestler but guys like Logan are on another level. He should stay in his lane.

  • Six points beats five - 6 years ago

    While they may not have wrestled each other this year, Wolk and Logan have wrestled some of the same opponents and Wolk just does it better and faster. They both wrestled David Vose (Ketchum), Wolk wins by pin and Logan by Tech. They both both wrestled Marc Berisha (Fox Lane) and Wolk pins in 0.55 secs and Logan takes longer to do it (1:03).

  • Peter Zimmerman - 6 years ago

    Wolk the Cradling machine! SQUEEZE
    Saturday smash down in Albany. Two pins in 1st period. Brown your getting our best and brightest!

  • Aaron wolk daddy - 6 years ago

    Aaron best his guy in under 60 seconds he’s the man no one else could do that if they tried he’s so freaking good man

  • Allbout the Pins - 6 years ago

    Pins wins. Pins in tournaments and pins in duals. Pins are just worth more. Gotta be Wolk.

  • No - 6 years ago

    AJ is good but CT is such a weak state for wrestling so take that out of the voting process.

  • Desantflo - 6 years ago

    State champion in 2 different states??? Kovacs has my vote.

  • SEYMOUR RUBIN - 6 years ago

    Aaron Wolk is quite impressive!!

  • Guy - 6 years ago

    No one has scored a point on Jake since 10th grade .

  • Walter - 6 years ago


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