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Would you like to get rid of Daylight Savings Time?


  • rick boyer - 6 years ago

    Keep day lite saveing time all year. Under standard time in the summer sun rise would be at 4.10 A.M. when most of us are at sleep a waiste of day lite, and sun set at 8.25 pm. too early.

  • Sean Tracey - 6 years ago

    We should banned mosquitoes and insects also I want to get snow now and in the winter and we also banned summer time

  • Alison Leslie - 6 years ago

    We need to keep DST and get rid of Standard time. Standard is too dark at the wrong times of day.

  • PETER N WOODWARD - 6 years ago

    Neither Saskatchewan nor Arizona use daylight savings time. There is a broad consensus in most jurisdictions where this disruptive practice is used that it should be scrapped.

  • Irene Thompson - 6 years ago

    please lets just have daylight savings time no more changing back and forth.

  • Neil Mckendrick - 6 years ago

    Daylight Savings Time Change. The correct way to phase this is to ask if people want to get rid of the twice per year time change. Unfortunately the only way to do this effectively is to adopt a new world wide time system where everyone operates on the same time. Otherwise you will always have neighbouring jurisdictions that are 2 hours out of step depending which neighbour they align with. It will be tough for people to adjust to a universal time since when they think of getting up at 6 am now the new universal system might be 1 pm depending on where you are in the world. Good news is you would only need to adjust once. Sort of like changing from imperial to metric measurements.

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