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Has the recent fatal home invasion made you feel less secure in your home?

Total Votes: 1,670

  • Chuck Farley - 6 years ago

    John Davidson umm you don't live in alabama and the civil law suits awaiting will break you financially just ask that wing nut Stanley in Bigger Saskatchewan

  • Steven - 6 years ago

    Let’s hope that the $10 Million allocated to the WPS budget is put to good use. Maybe send those officers back to (Target Shooting Practice ) so they know how to shoot a gun next time .I’m also going to say that the WPS Police Chief has been disgusting with his comments this past few days. Hal you may not like this but the WPS has failed the citizens of Winnipeg. The Police Chief Must be fired immediately. When we’re not safe on the streets and neverless in our homes it’s time for a change. What’s one got to do in order to be safe ....Hang around in the school zones where the cops sit on their asses for hours trying to catch grandma going a few Kms over the speed limit . Hal you better start calling things for what they are because citizens are fed up with the leaders in Winnipeg. The fact is this particular individual breached his probation and was wanted by police ...They knew where to find him ...So why was he still on the streets of Winnipeg? Sadly Hal that’s where the WPS failed the citizens of Winnipeg and the family who lost their loved one due to the stupidly of the WPS ...Do you really damn Jobs WPS or turn in your badges. Hal if you want to be a journalist and write things stop catering to the Puppets before you. What the heck are we paying the WPS $300 Milion a year to do ? Wake Up.

  • Socrates - 6 years ago

    Stop fear mongering....most home invasions result from drugs or some idiot walking around with his wallet open and his gold chains waving in the wind. If you open the safe and leave it unguarded, the thief will surely steal the money.

  • Robert Gudz - 6 years ago

    If a intruder(s entered or broke into my home and threatened me or my family with a weapon in hand and I was fortunate to severely injure him or kill him would I be charged. U probably have to kill the intruder because there is the possibility if I only severely injured u might be charged. Best scenerio is to kill the intruder and u won't have to deal with him again.

  • John Davidson - 6 years ago

    Not that I am paranoid,but, I have weapons in place in the event of a home invasion. Enough of the bullshit about not being able to protect myself and my family. Someone is leaving in a bag.
    I am also a believer in the "Shoot, Shovel and Shut up" movement.

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