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Should seatbelts be mandatory on school buses?

Total Votes: 1,097

  • John - 5 years ago

    I haven’t been on a school bus since grade 7

  • Monica - 5 years ago

    Richard Root and Mr Obvious, I strongly suggest that before you make statents like the driver has to wait until everyone is buckled up and the greed factor, that you BOTH go get trained to drive a school bus, make sure it's the 72 passenger size, drive for a full school year, then you can have an opinion. Students can use them as weapons, there would be no way of knowing if everyone was buckled, drivers are not allowed to leave their seats, how long do you think busses would be on the road with lights flashing holding up traffic waiting for that to happen. In case of an accident, whose going to get them out? What happens if the driver is seriously injured? What happens if the kids are buckled, the bus gets pushed on it's side, how easy do you think it would be to try to un buckle the belt, or cut it and try getting the top kid off the one he is now on top of? There is a HUGE difference between a car and a bus.

  • Bob - 5 years ago

    That's a very good point Cynthia.

  • Cynthia Caglayan - 5 years ago

    And the first time theres an accident and the bus driver cannot free all seatbrlyed panicked kids in time and mass casualties occure because of it.... there will be outrage. Think this through

  • Mr. Obvious - 5 years ago

    Um... YES! How ridiculous is it that this is even an issue!?! All of the excuses and rationalizations aside, the only reason that there aren't mandatory seatbelts on school buses in Canada is greed. Some company or organization is saving a few bucks by avoiding mandating and installing seatbelts. "But...but...but..." the corporations say. Yadda yadda yadda. Government, just get it done already jeez!

  • Richard Root - 5 years ago

    The law has be changed before that can happen the driver has to ensure before he moves the vehicle every one is buckled in that is the law.

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