Are you dreaming of golf now that the city's courses are open?

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  • casually observing it all - 6 years ago

    Just as a point of interest in the story about the 170 employees in the UWO (Western) Research Park in Sarnia being suddenly out of work... a story that has been strategically burried by Sun Media, by the way...

    if this was 170 Auto Plant workers who suddenyl found themselves without a paycheck rather than Research Analysts, the Ontario Premier (Champion of Dollar Beer and Killer of affordable University Education) would launch a protest rally and demand on-camera in Queens Park that this employer keep these workers on, no matter what, and then earmark millions of tax payer dollars to get those suddenly unemployed people jobs that should otherwise be going to people who have been unemployed longer, actually struggling to pay their rent and buy food for their kids and who would likely... rather than being a high paid auto worker with a year's worth of severance in their bank accounts, 18 months worth of EI ready to go, and no actual need for a new job anytime soon.

    Where's the politically motivated financial pander to this group of 170 voters, Mister "Dollar Beer"?

    Are they not worth it, in your teeny weeny little mind?

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