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Do you think Nina's daughter is a character we know?

Total Votes: 3,562

  • Mary - 5 years ago

    Oh yeah....Willow is definitely Nina’s daughter....let the fireworks begin!

  • Brenda - 5 years ago

    I’ve known since willow and Nina first interaction they were making willow Nina’s daughter... too obvious or I’ve been watching soaps too long probably the latter

  • Rebecca Vanlandingham - 5 years ago

    I believe Willow is Nina's daughter

  • Angela Caruso - 5 years ago

    I have thought all along that Willow is Nina’s daughter. She talks about a difficult childhood that led her to DOD. I hope she’s Nina’s daughter!

  • Angela Caruso - 5 years ago

    I have thought all along that Willow is Nina’s daughter. She talks about a difficult childhood that led her to DOD. I hope she’s Nina’s daughter!

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