Is it worth it for provinces to fight the federal carbon tax in court?


  • Lyn - 6 years ago

    The Liberals need to be stopped. The Carbon Tax is nothing but a cash grab that will hurt Canadians.

  • Mike Jarrett - 6 years ago

    Of course it is worth fighting for, what is the real purpose of this tax? Billions are being given away to foreign nations, people are being brought into the country with no hope of them being contributing members of society for a generation and debt is piling up to the point of near bankruptcy. Before we start adding more debt to Canadian taxpayers we need to get our house in order and that starts with October 2019 elections sending the Liberals into permanent opposition.

  • John Davidson - 6 years ago

    Even it is a losing court battle, it keeps the "Carbon Tax" rip off in peoples minds. With an election coming this fall,we need all the bad press we can get to throw at the libtards and their criminal master.

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