Who do you think will be Canada's next prime minister?

1 Comment

  • Socrates - 6 years ago

    THIS is a no brainer...you cannot have a candy ass lying piece of pathetic incompetence like that Walmart wind up doll, ballerina buttercup, JUSTINE TRUDEAU globalist puppet, who has kissed more ass than a toilet seat ,taking away conservative free speech while imposing his own in order to convince and condition people to think like a liberal. Pure logic tells you that climate change is a natural event, that trees give off oxygen and absorb carbon dioxide, that if you ban fossil fuels you need wood to heat your home, if you cut down the trees you deplete the oxygen supply.. If you disagree with liberal thought you are a hater, homophobe, an islamophobe, a racist and whatever they label you to force compliance. If you speak out it is hate speech not free speech and it is MANKIND NOT PERSONKIND that will save the world. Boys wear blue and girls wear pink and they are born into a family with two parents capable of reproduction. That a mans anus is not a sex organ, as proven in biology. That is the hole that sits over the bowl to excrete human waste. That feminism and lesbianism claim men are not superior, but in a lesbian relationship there is always the dominant butch, taking role of a man. That GOD does exist and that the world is his creation as obvious from the cycle of life. That the oceans evaporate to provide water to trees so they get thicker and bigger to support more life on the planet. that CANADIANS do not support a 10 million dollar payment to a convicted terrorist. That Canadians do not support the open borders and mass immigration from 3rd world countries, because of the lack of medical detection for diseases and new forms of insects. That Canadians do not support reforming ISIS members who have a history of terrorist activity. Liberals need to rethink their positions and learn to deal with the truth, stop hiding behind political correctness and hire based on merit to preserve the integrity of an intelligent community and not quota hire so they do not appear racist. the cream must rise to the top. Diversity is fine but should not be a means to displace the existing society. It is done to compliment it and add new ideas and hard workers who support national sovereignty and freedoms for all. Welfare and handouts produce voters not productive citizens. LONG LIVE CONSERVATISM

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