Do you favor Quebec's Bill 21 banning religious symbols and clothing on government officials?


  • Russell La Claire - 5 years ago

    I want complete separation of church and state. No words, no symbols, not one single thing that would suggest a persons religious belief. If folks wish to dabble in the ignorant arts that is their right, as long as it is kept from being attached in any way to the government.

  • William Reeve - 5 years ago

    I am a Canadian. While there has been criticism of this proposed law from the predictable leftist sources I am inclined to favour it. I would probably survive being dealt with by a person in a position of authority flaunting some kind or religious symbol. However, I find it easy to envision a situation where some members of the public would feel uncomfortable or intimidated in such situations.

  • Jon Gallant - 5 years ago

    Full-body or face covering should of course be prohibited in banks and other venues subject to robbery. This is a matter more of simple crime prevention than of laicité. The absence of such a prohibition permits situations like
    those summarized in 2013 by Daniel Pipes in the Washington Times: "By my count, the Philadelphia region has had 15 robberies (or attempted robberies) of financial institutions in the past six years in which the thieves relied on an Islamic full-body cover. These took place in January 2007, June 2007, May 2008 (two), October 2009 (two), November 2009, February 2011, June 2011, December 2011, January 2012, March 2012 (two) and April 2012 (two). The most violent one took place on May 3, 2008, when Police Sgt. Stephen Liczbinski was killed in a shootout following a robbery by perpetrators wearing burqas. One of the criminals also died in the exchange."

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