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Do you want Cane and Lily back together?

Total Votes: 6,444

  • Vilincia - 6 years ago

    Their soulmate, but Cane has to grow up.

  • Kelly - 6 years ago

    They are so boring that I turn it off or I do my housework when they're on

  • Kelly - 6 years ago

    They are so boring that I turn it off or I do my housework when they're on

  • Elaine - 6 years ago

    Absolutely not. Enough of putting the couples back together. Might as well watch reruns. Y&R has been diminished to bringing people back from the dead and constantly reuniting couples. This is one year repeated 46 times and it’s old and boring

  • Anonymous - 6 years ago

    Please don't even have a thought about putting Cane and Lily back together. He's always apologizing over and over, had a baby by another woman. If he didn't want to be faithful, he should have never married. I'm tired thinking about it and I'm not part of the cast.

  • Joyce - 6 years ago

    I'm tired of hearing Cane say he's sorry. He is only sorry He got caught. Sorry is a sorry word.

  • Noonie - 6 years ago

    No ... they shouldn’t get back together... Cane should stop begging and let her have what she wants ... enough is enough.. he had too many chances

  • Missy, - 6 years ago

    yes, true love belong together

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