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Will Cerner, Epic, and Meditech face any new health system EHR competition in the next 10 years? (Poll Closed)

Total Votes: 433

  • Holly - 5 years ago

    I say no, EHR companies are a dying breed. There are so many rules, so many hoops to jump through from a variety of sources, TJC, MIPs, CMS, ACO rules, etc. In my own personal opinion, EHRs struggle to pull all of these demands together, with out the help of 3rd party resources, it would be impossible. The demand now is for vendors/3rd party resources that can help these EHR make their systems work, because without them they are doomed to fail.

  • Bitbot - 5 years ago

    Data science can help drive workflows. No doubt technology will be created to allow a more cognitive approach to data management in healthcare.
    The current mechanisms and databases uses by big vendors are outdated and have forced unnatural use of technology by users.
    Billing coding etc will all be driven by AI. Be positive there is hope .

  • DrLyle - 5 years ago

    Agree with Matt that the future of outpatient care will be "back to the home"... augmented by automation and virtualization; along with payors and others at risk entities setting up clinics and home based care. Whomever controls this primary relationship will control the specialty and tertiary care. Will hospital systems rise up, or will they give way to the payors and startups growing in this area? They need primary care for a funnel, but it seems they can never have enough and it already is a loss leader for them!
    And will the EMR vendors be the glue that holds it all together? Possibly as they are getting involved with pharmacies and payors. But it also does open up more opportunities as well... We certainly will need to see increasing amounts of automation and virtualization to ensure our healthcare system can get better, faster, cheaper and be sustainable! What if we just needed a much leaner EMR for 80% of care? How might that play out?

  • Matthew Holt - 5 years ago

    The bigger and related question is whether the locus of health care goes away from the big hospital systems that are wed to Epic & Cerner, and that some kind of home based tech based system ends up managing the care of most chronically ill people, while hospitals return to a role as places where just do procedures and go to die

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