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Daily Poll: Do you support the Pact for a Green New Deal in Canada?

Total Votes: 1,990

  • Barry K Morris - 5 years ago

    May 22/19:
    A Green Deal, like its precedent-setting New Deal of the dirty 1930s, is direly needed and what else, pray tell, given our impending extinction, could be deep and wide enough to rally behind and commit to? Of course there are challenges, not the least of which include: who would lead? how could it be paid for? and, given the fierce self-interests of those resisting it, including us addicts (to substances and including fossil fuels), would a bold, brave alliance last ... last long enough to save while there be time?
    ... Barry,
    United Church of Canada minister with the Longhouse... Ministry, east end Vancouver, BC

  • Marie - 5 years ago

    There is no CLIMATE CRISIS, it is all BS just like the Acid Rain, depletion of the Ozone layer, Y2K, Little Ice Age and all the other bull crap scientists have been trying to peddle to us for the last 60 years!!! They have been preaching this crap to schools though and have buy in from the younger generations so Lord only knows what will happen there. It’s all absolute nonsense and the David Suzuki of the world have gotten filthy rich from this gibberish. Stop falling for this crap Canadians!

  • hendrix fuentes - 5 years ago


  • Daniel - 5 years ago

    If you don't believe this is a good deal you are a moron brainwashed by the right. The whole world and society has to change now or we will be screwing over the planet for future generations. If you have kids how can you not believe we need something like this. If you think this is a socialist scam you are brainwashed and stupid. We need a new green deal!

  • Bill Norgreen - 5 years ago

    Canada’s population is about 37 million & the world’s population is 6.8 billion. Canadian cannot be paid to pay for this bad deal. We do not need more ‘money grabbers who are making the working class poorer.

  • Larry - 5 years ago

    Folks, we simply cannot afford to go drastically green. We will leave our grandchildren and children a massive amount of debt and what for. I see nothing that says it will even work. It is a total experiment and we may not be any better off. I am not saying to be reckless but do what we each can individually. Clean up your garbage, recycle, and use less fossil fuel. Walk more and leave the car at home. As one person wrote there may not even be a climate crisis??????

  • Robert - 5 years ago

    Jim Winstanley, oh please .... your mathematical geometry equations and calculations reminds me of the psychology of a fart in the bath tup creating an air bubble which rises to the service creating a percolation of human gas .

  • Jim Winstanley - 5 years ago

    There is no climate crisis. All I see is fear mongering by the left. The average Canadian produces 15.3 metric tons of carbon per year. In Canada we have 8,953 trees per person. The average tree absorbs 48 pounds of carbon per year. If you do the math trees per Canadian 48 x 8900 = 427200 pounds of carbon to convert that to metric tons we divide by 2204.6. 427300 divided by 2204.6 = 193.8 metric tons per Canadian absorbed by trees. so 193.8 - 15.3 = 178.5 this is how much more carbon the trees can absorb. 178.5 x 37,000.000 million people. Then on the other side the average tree produces 260 pounds of oxygen. 260 x 8900 = 2,314,000 pound of oxygen. Convert to metric tons 2314000 divided by 2204.6 = 1,049.6 metric tons of oxygen per Canadian. looks like Canada removes more carbon then we product and add way more oxygen the we need. So were's the crisis?
    Also my science teacher who studied the universe in university taught us that climate change is natural and the reason the called it climate change 20,000 years ago was the climate went from cooling were we keep getting colder to a warming were we keep getting warmer. In physics the theory is an object with a constant heat source constantly heats. You can see this when in 1991 the planet cooled by .5 of a degree with what they called temporary climate change because once the skies cleared the planet would go back to warming. Just FYI in 1991 we did not remove any carbon from the planet but it cooled anyway. I find left wing people go more by emotion than science. I can see by the poll results people don't believe it either.

  • Brian - 5 years ago

    Jake , you make a sound case for your point of view however people with no vision of the future made sound arguments that the earth was FLAT 500 years ago also .

  • Darren Barefoot - 5 years ago

    What's the worst possible outcome of a Green New Deal? More jobs, cleaner air and water, less climate change and more equity for Canadians? Sounds like a terrible idea.

  • Jake Suggitt - 5 years ago

    No, we don't want a Canadian version of this idiotic fanatic proposal to: provide free education for all, income for all Canadians unable or unwilling to work, rebuild all houses, replace all cars, end use of petroleum. We don't want a socialist hell which we have to pay $ trillions for.

    As the often misquoted by the media study by Skeptical Science shows, 97% of 33% of climate change scientists think humans caused the 1 degree of warming in the last 100 years. So the consensus of climate change scientists haven't taken a position on whether humans caused climate change. Everybody agrees the planet is warming and the seas are rising: but whether we caused it, and if we can change it are moot questions based on incomplete models.

    One degree looks dramatic when scaled to fill the vertical scale on a graph, but if you zoom out to longer time periods, this is a tiny tick on very large natural cycles. Based on weather science's inability to predict the weather tomorrow, I am sceptical about their ability to predict the results of very large scale models for future decades.

    Certainly we need to reduce fossil fuel use and curb pollution, but this idiotic idea that we will all die in exactly 12 years is just more manipulative media nonsense designed to frighten dumb people into doing exactly what they're told, and forcing us to spend money on more greenwashing feel-good nonsense with little practical benefit.

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