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Daily poll: Should Canada join other countries and declare a climate emergency?

Total Votes: 12,926

  • Danielle - 5 years ago

    Argue back and forth about climate change if you insist, but all you naysayers, the least you can do is not intentionally wreck the planet for the rest of us. Turn off your aircon, ride a bike to work, reduce your one-use plastics and if climate change turns out to be real, at least you won't be kicking yourself. The alarmist comments about climate change being a political agenda set out to kill is all are just over the top. All we ask is that you let us find solutions and alternative energy sources. Far as I can see no one in Europe is dying from using green energy.

  • Trismegistus - 5 years ago

    Anyone that thinks climate change/global warming/global cooling is real should:

    A) Look up "Cloud Seeding Technology"


    B) Realize that WATER not CO2 is a primary contributor of green house gasses

  • Layne - 5 years ago

    The hypocrites on left will say Canada is in environmental crises when the biggest impact on carbon footprint is human population. Then why are we bringing in humans by the millions? Hmmm maybe they just want to control us and don’t really care at all about the environment. Let’s come up with some real solutions instead of letting the government take our money and freedom.

  • Old John - 5 years ago

    Lindsay, I can see your concern and I understand. Here's the thing. I wouldn't write what I have without first finding out the facts and considering carefully the effect of what I write. Just because my views are different from yours does not mean that mine aren't as valid. My views on climate change are not politically correct, but I take great care to make certain that they are factually correct.

    Climate change is a political movement. It is being cynically used by our current government to enact policy that cannot in any way mitigate climate change..... we will pay a whole lot 'o money for nothing.

    We have had warm periods warmer than today. The Minoan, Roman and Medieval warm periods.

    CO2 is higher now than at any time during humanity's existence but on a geological time scale, it's actually really low. Just about every form of life we know about came into existence with higher CO2 levels than now.

    Every bit of that carbon liberated by burning fossil fuels, was in fact living stuff. We are in fact, recycling life.

    The current upward temperature trend is thousands of years old and is not unique to earth. Mars is warming too.

    We don't know how much warming we are causing because we can't seem to separate all of the various influences.

    Fossil fuels are the sole reason we can support 7.5 Billion people on this planet. You do not have the right to take away the possibility of survival because of a poorly defined hypothesis, a political movement or religion.

    We keep hearing that noise about the 97% An invention of Cook and Lewandowsky. Look up Bob Carter.
    Look up Willie Soon. Will Happer. Look up Heinrich Svensmark. Nir Shaviv, Timothy Ball, Judith Curry. Read something actually written by a scientist. Read a book! There are a lot of different opinions about climate, but the politically correct version just isn't true.

    We constantly hear progressives shrilling for everyone to get with their program. If they actually had a program, a cohesive idea or some viable alternative, we might follow.

  • Randy K - 5 years ago

    Not with Trudeau in power!!!
    What you need to realize, is that this is NOT really about's about globalism!!
    If you believe in the UN...sure...this is a no-brainer for you...BUT...if you believe in CANADA, you know that WE should decide where/how to progress!!!

  • Lindsay - 5 years ago

    It's devastating to see so many completely uneducated opinions arising in my own country. On top of the ranting about what conservatives and liberals support. Drop the politics. Stop using parties to separate us. We are all humans and we are all trying to secure our survival in one way or another. For a long time, we've been looking at economic security and we've completely ignored what capitalism is doing to our Earth. We need to switch gears and everyone of us is scared because we don't know what that's going to look like. But the brave lot of us that have our brains working in full force and our souls tuned in are shouting out about it because we know we can't go on like this.
    Our continuous use of natural resources without any thought of long-term sustainability, our absolute lack of consideration when it comes to one-time use materials, our destroying of the planet for economic gain: it will all come at a cost and HAS already cost us. How much more can we overlook before we stare this thing in the eye, stop running away from it, stop pretending it doesn't exist, and challenge it?

    For those of you who have not done their research, for those of you who are trying to deny this, PLEASE get educated. For those of you that have the audacity to argue that climate change is not an issue with bogus opinions like:
    - "It's part of the natural course of history! It's will come and go like other eras! Hurray! I've been living since 1960, we're fine!": 97% percent of scientists agree that level of climate change we've reached is due to human activities (NASA). Since the beginning of time, the CO2 level has NEVER crossed over 300 (parts per million), we are now at 400 (parts per million). From 1950-2018 we have sky rocketed the CO2 rates beyond anything we've ever seen before in the world's ENTIRE CO2 history.
    - "CO2 is good for the earth! It's natural, we're fine!": Plants do take in CO2 and use it, and a bit of CO2 is also great because it keeps our planet warm (yay to no frozen oceans!); we all learned this is grade 2 science class! The level of CO2 we are manually emitting now is not okay and DANGEROUS because it is rising the global temperature of our planet (oh no!). It has risen 1.62 Fahrenheit since the 19th century, causing things like ocean acidification, extreme events, declining arctic sea ice, and other BAD THINGS (NASA again).

    Denial does nothing for anyone here. Get educated, read the thousands of reports that provide you with hard evidence, and realise that this is a problem we need to confront.

  • Kim McDonald-Taylor - 5 years ago

    It saddens me to see so many vote no. I had not idea that there were so many people that were so out of touch with reality. I guess they are going to eat money in a row boat fighting forest fires. Climate Change is REAL folks and if we do not, as an international group, take action, we are condemning our children and grandchildren to death.

  • Nicole Giasson - 5 years ago

    Très impressionnant les discours des futurs électeurs du parti conservateur. On donne des brides d'information qui ne prouvent rien, mais on y croit, vraiment! La pollution ça n'existe pas, voyons! Le Co2 c'est naturel, il n'y a aucune accumulation d'effet toxique à notre surconsommation, pas trop de déchets plastiques dans la mer, non plus, ni dans nos sols, ni dans l'atmosphère terrestre . Rien n'est néfaste, les gaz de schiste ce n'est qu'une belle petite matière aussi pure que de l'eau de source, pourquoi sans priver . Wow! Vous êtes forts, votre positivisme m'impressionne! Ou est-ce que vous êtes incapable de voir ailleurs qu'à un pied de votre nombril sur le petit ėcran du petit circuit à illusions ! Il est beau votre monde...

  • Félix - 5 years ago

    I can't believe how stupid you guys are! Climate change is real you dumb fucks, and the only way to save the planet is to wait that you die so we can move forward!

  • Elizabeth Lawson - 5 years ago

    The country of my birth ( Ireland) has lost its latitude - along with the UK and other like minded scare mongers. Prominent among those who have tragically jeopardized the future of their own citizens, by the introduction of wild eyed immigrants who hate all that they represent,these obtuse folk should instead be taking a very hard look at urgent repair of the damage that they blindly imposed on their respective countries. My sense is however, that matters of such practicality, those that require both intelligence and the application of sound, structured action, will be rejected in favour of the latest fad - climate change - God help us all - these characters may well be the death of us yet.

  • Peter - 5 years ago

    There is no such thing as climate change or global warming. You are all to stupid to fall for this crap. Wake up. The trees need CO2 to survive you morons. If we reduce CO2 the trees won't live.

  • John - 5 years ago

    You people are totally out of wack, delusional and sick! Liberals and those fucking retards are trying to push an agenda to make you pay more and more and get you to stop using fossil fuels. But whats funny is that on NATURALNEW.COM and supported by the NASA. They openly say that Co2 has made the planet wildlife increase, the Earth is greener than ever! Co2 help to grow shit. And Co2 levels are lower than they were in the 40's ... How about that for a bunch of brainwashed retards! Keep showing the world and the REAL scientist how retarded this planet is getting day after day watching TV and reading shit and lies on Facebook ;) What a bunch of mailbox IQ you are.... Sad to see how this society has gone to shit just because of Facebook...

  • Justin Boivin - 5 years ago

    I can't believe people who don't understand science can be so opinionated. The survival of our species is at risk. We have mountains of evidence to show this, yet the majority who responded to this poll think its no big deal. Cognitive dissonance much? For what reasons are people denying climate change ? Unfounded refutable ones like "I've seen environmental panic before!" or "Its a money making scheme!" That is not scientific evidence, that's a cooked up opinion.

    Grow up, inform yourselves or you're going to be responsible for the extinction of our species.

  • Jeanne - 5 years ago

    The crisis is far beyond saving. Too late.

  • Kyle L - 5 years ago

    This planet will be alive and well long after humans become extinct.

  • Jay Selzler - 5 years ago

    Most climate change believers don’t realize that adding co2 to the atmosphere feeds plants.
    And that in a co2 added environment plants do way better.

  • Cory - 5 years ago

    More people are going to die from the over reaction to attempting to stop climate change than the perceived threat of it. We need cheap, reliable energy to survive. It’s that simple. Without it we will die.

  • Nick Vandergragt - 5 years ago

    There is no reason to declare an emergency concerning something that is not an emergency. What we are experiencing is not man made, or influenced, it is just another rhythm of the earth that happens with or without us. If we are going to declare an emergency lets declare one on the politicians and scientists forcing this nonsense down our throats.

  • Andre Porter - 5 years ago

    The reason the left has met SO MUCH resistance is because they are too forceful and are demanding people do this and that yet think themselves exempt or not a part of the problem shdn they fully are. Stop demanding people do things and trying to force an effort and try asking for cooperation. The ciommunist left is a dictatorship today.

  • Mark B - 5 years ago

    Old John.

    That could be very true and I definitely see your point. The world's climate has changed drastically on its own throughout Earth's existence. There are still things thought that I believe humans as a whole could do to improve the way we live. Like not dumping toxic chemicals into the ocean, reducing the ammount of plastic we create, switching to more environmentally friendly energy sources (which a lot of cities have started to do, so thumbs up for that).

  • Old John - 5 years ago

    Mark B.

    I would like to point out a couple of things.... CO2 isn't our problem. Particulates and plastics are. Deforestation is. Mining with stone age methods....really bad.

    A lot has changed in my time. In North America and Europe, things are far cleaner and healthier than in the 60s . The new Asia is concerning though.

    This noise about Climate Change will never yield any kind of environmental improvement. Far from it. We are more likely to degrade our environment trying to control things that we cannot. We can't afford the distraction.
    Climate Change is an insidious political movement.

  • jared - 5 years ago

    Canada as a whole (everything, industry, vehicles, oil and gas, home heating, EVERYTHING) is 1.6% of global emissions. Canada is not in a climate emergency. Further to this point, real science is showing that Climate Change is not majority human caused and has happened multiple times over history with the last ice age and Mars being two prime examples of how climate change is not human caused so in short, NO there is not a climate emergency. It's simply Nature taking it's course and we are just along for the ride.

  • Mark B - 5 years ago

    I'm very curious to know, people who are claiming climate change is a lie and whatnot, does that still mean we should continue to treat our planet like shit? Maybe it'll be years and years before things start getting really bad, but the way we're going now our planet probably won't last.

  • Gary - 5 years ago

    Maybe stop lying to everybody about climate change we’re stuck trying to clean our pockets out the only ones that are stupid enough to believe that climate change is man-made is the liberals Canadians are not stupid

  • randy siegelaar - 5 years ago

    The fear mongering climate tards are at it again.

  • randy siegelaar - 5 years ago

    In January 1970, Life reported, “Scientists have solid experimental and theoretical evidence to support…the following predictions: In a decade, urban dwellers will have to wear gas masks to survive air pollution…by 1985 air pollution will have reduced the amount of sunlight reaching earth by one half….”

    Paul Ehrlich chimed in, predicting in 1970 that “air pollution…is certainly going to take hundreds of thousands of lives in the next few years alone.” Ehrlich sketched a scenario in which 200,000 Americans would die in 1973 during “smog disasters” in New York and Los Angeles.

    Kenneth Watt warned about a pending Ice Age in a speech. “The world has been chilling sharply for about twenty years,” he declared. “If present trends continue, the world will be about four degrees colder for the global mean temperature in 1990, but eleven degrees colder in the year 2000. This is about twice what it would take to put us into an ice age.”

  • randy siegelaar - 5 years ago

    “It is already too late to avoid mass starvation,” declared Denis Hayes, the chief organizer for Earth Day, in the Spring 1970 issue of The Living Wilderness

  • John - 5 years ago

    John Z. It's so nice to hear from yet another arts graduate. And I am deeply compelled by you fantastic rant. Invective is so much better than reason. Clearly we don't need facts when Sophistry will do so nicely.

    No part of what you said is evident or remotely true.

    You do seem to have some strongly held beliefs. And you seem to believe in politicizing them.

    I believe you have made my point. Climate change is a political movement. And for some of you, Climate Change is a religious conviction. The word "Irreversible" used to describe things that come and go of their own accord, is a strong sign.

    I urge you alarmists. Please, please, some actual books and learn some science.

  • John Z - 5 years ago

    Tyler Andrews and other morons -
    WEATHER IS NOT CLIMATE YOU DUMB AS A ROCK CONSERVATIVE CLIMATE DENYING IDIOT and I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain it to the f'ing idiots who don't know the difference, who work in oil and gas and those who elected like the lemmings they are Ford Kenney and Moe -
    Truly Canadians are some of the most stupid people on the planet well conservatives anyhow --
    FYI Canada per capita is the largest polluter you dumb as f'ing pet rock idiots
    I'd criticize and show the other arguments like Danny's saying there are as many scientists saying it's a hoax but you idiots think that Trump tweets are fact -- 97% of Climate Peer review agree the 3 % are funded by Koch's and DOD NOAA and NASA agree you f'ing morons I've seen pools to piss me off but this one truly infuriated me and the comments all of the deniers do the world a favor DON'T PROCREATE the world can't handle the hit to the nation I.Q Average

  • Grégory Efraim - 5 years ago

    Of course many people voted no. No one would care about a Climate Emergency because people know that by the time the crisis takes place, they will already be long gone. Instead, the current adult generation, is leaving OUR generation with the burden of undoing the great and now almost irreversible damage that has been done to our beautiful planet. THIS CLIMATE CRISIS IS DESTROYING US. #FridaysForFuture #ClimateCrisis #EcologicalBreakdown. Don't destroy my future.

  • Ella - 5 years ago

    The world is not going to end, but in a few years we will have entered a state where we could possibly have caused IRRIVERSIBLE damage to our planet. All of the older generation saying climate change is fake, please at least look at the devastating impact we are having on our planet. The plastic and garbage littering our oceans and lands, people dying from diseases caused by pollution, countries dumping toxic waste into the ocean. Right now we can still adapt and overcome our mistakes, but I don't want to grow up and see my would full of pollution, garbage, etc. And I don't want to live in a world where we have killed off all of the species that have lived peacefully on this planet for thousands for years before humans exited.

  • John - 5 years ago

    Sick... I'm not the one telling everyone how to live. And I'm not in any way endangering anyone's house through fire or flood.... All of that perceived peril is just media spin and political manipulation.

    But I do have one preference. It would be nice if the green movement didn't kill anyone or do environmental damage through unintended consequences.

    We use fossil fuels for the reason that they are damn useful.....anyone is free to use alternatives, if they can afford them.

    Meanwhile, stick to facts. This CO2 alarmism is distracting us from real problems and innocents will pay a price.

  • Sicktomystomach - 5 years ago

    Wow.... what a bunch of self obsessed idiots you all are. You would all be singing a different tune if it was YOUR property burning down or disappearing in a flood. Be a fucking human being and show some HUMANE qualities, like compassion. The entire world is in trouble and all you care about is your precious petroleum products and your fancy fucking lifestyles. Karma will come for you ALL.

  • Tyler Andrews - 5 years ago

    If you want people to believe climate change, maybe don't bash us over the heads about the dangers of global warming in the middle of a Canadian winter when the temperature regularly hits -20c.

  • John - 5 years ago

    Sarah, I work in science and technology, so I don't have to go very far. Look up a guy named Timothy Ball. Or perhaps Richard Lindzen. They are scientists who work in climate. Look up Nir Shaviv and Willie Soon. They are scientists who work in tangential subject material. Ian Plimer is a Geologist who explains how the Consensus argument totally ignore Earth's history.

    You mentioned morality. Pretty rich. Climate alarmism is overtaking good sense and is likely to consign millions of people to continued poverty. And poor health. Many "green" technologies and alternatives have disasterous ecological impacts. Do you support the destruction of Indonesisan rain forest for biofuel plantations? Do you support the virtual slavery of minors trying to extract heavy rare earth metals? Do you know what causes early mortality in most of the developing world? Lung disease. What causes that lung disease is the use of open fires fueled by dung and other poor's like smoking, but worse. You would have these people continue this miserable existence? And if we don't extract cleaner fuels, the Chinese will continue burning that filthy brown coal that they have.... you can see how that looks. I think it is indeed disgusting how progressives think they can reinvent the world and not kill people.....they just stick to their little narrative. We should never again turn to progressives for bad science and political cover to create bad policy. It never ends well.

  • Sarah - 5 years ago

    John, 97% of climate scientists do believe humans are causing global warming. I’m curious where you are getting your information. I wish that it wasn’t true, but it is, and it is immoral if we continue consuming fossil fuels at this rate. Yes, I agree that there is a lot of environmental work to be done. Concerning plastic pollution, it sounds like you’d be interested in supporting MP Nathan Cullen’s Zero Waste amendment. I am glad you support activism - we’ll see you out there. However, I urge you to look again at your sources for scientific consensus.

  • Brock - 5 years ago

    The climate scare is the biggest scam today. On the news today, the media claimed it was very early for the ire season. On May 14th 2011, 1/3 of the town of slave burned. Therefore the media is just making up climate BS to scare people. There is no proof of increased storms except on the news

  • Pat Potvin - 5 years ago

    How can some people think industrialization and massive fossil fuel transports doesn’t have disastrous consequences on our health and the ecology? Ignorance is the only word that comes to my mind.
    Here’s what’s really coming out of 1,015 ICEVs exhaust and from ANY fossil fuel combustion...No! It’s not only CO2, it’s much worst!
    * Particulate matter (PM). These particles of soot and metals give smog its murky color. ... related to cardiovascular illness...
    * Hydrocarbons (HC). ...contributes to asthma…
    * Nitrogen oxides (NOx). ….acid rain…
    * Carbon monoxide (CO). ... prevents blood from carrying oxygen in the body…
    * Hazardous air pollutants (toxics). ...Benzene etc... related to cancer and leukaemia…
    * Greenhouse gases. ... Oceans acidification and acid rain…
    * Sulfur dioxide (SO2). ….acid rain...
    Here’s the link for more details. (

    Another study that came out a few months ago... air pollution related to autism.

    If it’s disastrous for our health, it is disastrous to everything that surrounds us, it’s in the air, the soil and water... our ecology is at risk!
    Come on people, Wake Up!

  • May Chung - 5 years ago

    Climate Change is a foreign and China driven agenda. This is a scam on the public. However, if you care about the environment, human rights, animal rights you will say NO to China's communist regime. China treats its own people in a horrific manner, human organ harvesting, slave labor, eating dogs alive, the Yulin Dog Festival. How dare we pretend to be virtuous while consuming China made products. Shame on China, shame on Canada for trading with China (thereby causing our wealth to transfer to China and China in turn buy all of our real estate) and allowing China to become the massive economic superpower that it has. Politicians sold our countries to China. Joe Biden's kid (Hunter Biden) was awarded a billion plus dollar contract - if you think the same thing is not happening in Canada you have had too much Kool-Aid to drink.

  • John - 5 years ago

    In reply to Sarah.... No, that 97% is a myth. It was the result of a survey by Lewandowsky and Cook and absolutely no one in science is claiming that "global warming that is causing flooding, wildfires". This is a purely political argument. In fact, the only reason we are hearing about this political. The motive is clear. Wealth redistribution and control..... Justin wants full control. It's that simple. The science has been hijacked by political operatives. The science in the purest sense shows that there is an interesting little property of CO2. But it doesn't control the climate. We have had warm periods before. We have had varying amounts of CO2 before. We are well within natural bounds for both. There really isn't much going on. Now, if you care about the environment, become involved in something real. Protest the profligate abuse of plastics. Protest for green zones within city limits. Become concerned with the shocking pollution in Asia due to brown coal. Protest the import of food products from China...... Don't waste your time on a naturally functioning climate.

  • Sarah - 5 years ago

    97% of climate scientists agree that humans are causing the global warming that is causing flooding, wildfires, and other extreme weather events. What’s happening in your part of Canada today? We are in a climate emergency, the time to declare it and act is now. The damage from unfettered climate change will be too expensive.

  • Bruno Sauer - 5 years ago
    Get the truth. Share the link!

  • Alan - 5 years ago

    This is a political leftist progressive movement by those who stand to secure funds, employment and or political gain...there are 32000 climate scientist that are not being heard. This has become a religion with many following the premise that it must be true because so many scientists, politicians and media have a consensus on man made Global Warming.....Climate change is a cop out because if the climate cools then they can say manmade climate change....they cannot have it both ways! We are heretics if we do not buy the there point of view. Climate has changed, is changing and will always change whether man existed on the planet or not. Causation is the sunspot activity but they will not listen. They believe 'their' scientists and non-believers have faith in the truth and 'their' scientists. I will fight this with all my heart....but the converted will not accept truth and hope that some people are open to the other side of the equation.

  • Carolyn Herbert - 5 years ago

    I wish people would look beyond their own little environment. Take time to watch this, and hopefully think again.

  • Larry - 5 years ago

    Not necessary to declare a climate emergency. The scientists are split on who is right or wrong. There is for sure no science available that we know would work. How many billions will we spend on something that is unproven and be stuck with the same crap in 20 years. How do you spell experiment?

  • Ricky Chateau - 5 years ago

    It's really quite heartening to realize that here in BC (a mecca of environmentalism) there are so many DC residents who still have the good sense to recognize climate change mitigation plans as per current Canadian policy is nothing but virtue signaling to the rest of the world. Our schools and teachers need to start telling the truth instead of terrifying a generation of kids.

  • Scott - 5 years ago

    Canada, apparently contributes 1.6% of greenhouse gas emissions. The US, China, and India roughly 55%. Our governments are determined to bankrupt its citizens to, at best, lower our emissions to 1.5%. Meanwhile it is industry and the wealthy that present the largest carbon footprint.

  • Timothy Rawlinson - 5 years ago


  • M - 5 years ago

    Climate Change Deniers need to be shipped off to the same small island as the Flat Earthers and Anti Vaxxers. And then the polluted sea can swallow them whole as the ice caps melt.

  • Michel Nicholas Bouffard - 5 years ago

    The main issue in Canada with global warming sceptics,deny, is a disease cause by the fever of great spaces!!All people suffering from this disease have the tendency to keep their eye's shut for long period of time, and to deny biodiversity and ecosystems disapearing and global warming!It is a very contagious disease,that can cause permanent brain damage or vision lost!To make sure to get better and not suffer any of these symtoms,wake up and smell the coffee,and contact you'r family doctor ASAP!Speed is a must because you can clearly dy of that Canadian great spaces fever!

  • John - 5 years ago

    Why should there be a declaration of something that simply isn't true? Climate Change is a political movement.

  • joe fletcher - 5 years ago

    fact....the state of new york sells more new cars in a single year than all of canada does....i,m all for cleaning up the world pollution but i,m not spending a dime of my hard earned money to make our false PM look like a hero on the world stage when the big polluters dont give a trudeau help your country in other ways....listen to the people or come oct you will be gone ..your position as PM is not for your own political ego

  • Danny - 5 years ago

    There is just as many scientist that say it's a hoax. Most of the scientist that support the hysteria have their fingers in the cookie jar, or they are celebrity ecologists and special interest group receiving government grants.
    Enough is enough! When they make the little guy pay the Bill, while big business get a free ride.

  • Michael - 5 years ago

    Does anyone remember the acid rain catastrophe? Oh the sky was falling, all animals, and vegetation would die, our fresh water lakes, rivers, and streams would be polluted. Yes the planet is warming, it has been sense the beginning of time, otherwise the planet would still be covered in ice.

  • Michael - 5 years ago

    Does anyone remember the acid rain catastrophe? Oh the sky was falling, all animals, and vegetation would die, our fresh water lakes, rivers, and streams would be polluted. Yes the planet is warming, it has been sense the beginning of time, otherwise the planet would still be covered in ice.

  • Manuel Robert - 5 years ago

    I can't believe so many people think it is false. And you are PROUD about it???? Get educated! We are extinguishing entire species, there are already millions of climate refugees and you are still denying all the scientific evidence. This is not a debate we can win by saying "I told you so"... When you realize your error, it will be too late and billions will die because of it.

    I seriously don't know how some of you can think this is a money train and that Canada is already carbon neutral. Verify what you write. That is ridiculous.

    The urgency to act is around the globe. Yes we need big polluters to change, but if many people would trade a few bad habits to good ones, that will go a long way.

  • Susan - 5 years ago

    Countries jumping aboard the money train. An ecxuse to take more money from hard working people. Make us poir and dependent on governing bodies. The elite will prosper while the rest will suffer.

  • Pascale Poulin - 5 years ago

    If for some reasons I tough climate change is not true or that there is some sort of political strategy in there, a part of me would still be cautious and consider that since thousands of scientist said it is there, and called for drastic action, that there is a % of posibility that I am wrong. Be so sure it is false is so irrational and dangerous. Why take that risk????

  • John Shipperley - 5 years ago

    Canada is already carbon neutral, if there's really a problem go talk to China and India who are building hundreds of new coal fired plants. This climate BS has been going on for decades, different decade different name.

  • Matt Pearson - 5 years ago

    All this is part of the NWO plan to implement world wide dictatorial socialism. First step is disarming the people so there is little resistance and then the de-population measures will begin. Mark my words, it's not coming, it's already started.

  • Bev Erley - 5 years ago

    Are these people crazy? Do they want to go back to the pioneer days? Petroleum is an essential product. Life and all the conveniences we have, are ALL manufactured with, distributed with, and used with petroleum products!

  • Peter - 5 years ago

    How sad to see so many deniers.

  • NotBuyingIt - 5 years ago

    Only sheep believe the earth is warming. If the MiddleEast was once lush and became a desert before the Industrial Age then all I can say is Climate Change is BS. The governments of the planet have decided to take everything they can get from the citizens pockets at any cost. So they lie over and over again scaring people into handing over their hard earned money. Time for a revolution world wide.

  • Lawrence Heep - 5 years ago

    Untill the biggest emitters start to take it seriously don't think Canada can make a difference we already do enough

  • Deavon - 5 years ago

    If you go back far enough, you'll find that the entire man-made climate change thing is little more than a con meant to facilitate the global redistribution of wealth from those who have it (excluding the 1%, whose idea the whole thing is to begin with), and give it to those who don'y.

  • Maurice Emery - 5 years ago

    It's all BS.... There is no emergency for 1000s of years the earth has warm up cooled down.... This is a money grab by the crooks.

  • Richard Wakefield - 5 years ago

    There is no climate emergency. There is nothing abnormal happening. Taxing people into povety cannot change the weather.

  • Sasha Pierce - 5 years ago

    Humans need to change their impact on the planet YESTERDAY so yes Canada should declare a climate crisis. Funny that someone above mentioned real science. I am not sure what that guy is reading but I believe NASA over who that guy is citing any day!

  • Casey Cawston - 5 years ago

    It’s so sad that we are so inundated by such lies about climate change and how co 2 is the culprit. The fact is that we seem to always in a dooms day period. Be it the ice age or we are going to burn up. The facts are that this planet climate is always changing. It all about money and how we can control the masses. Keep them living in fear. The real science that is not supported by those who are out to get rich off us all.

  • Paulette Canam - 5 years ago

    The sky is not falling.

  • David McLay - 5 years ago

    Climate emergency, no. Our obsession with atmospheric carbon dioxide levels is becoming a moral panic of epic proportions. I’ve seen since the 1960’s many many environmental predictions of doom come and go. The current current panic over end of the world in 12 years will come and go just like all the others.

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